Chapter 1

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*Suhani Pov*


I opened my eyes to see in five minutes I will get a call from downstairs. That’s what happens every day.

She wakes up every day at 5am and sleep again after waking me up. It is not a big deal for me to wake up at that time.

Because I am medical student and we all have already got used to this less sleep thing.

What can I say the medical course expects this from all of us.

“Suhani!” I heard my name being called from downstairs.

“I am up Aunty!” I replied and then I heard the door closing.

She must have gone inside her bedroom to sleep. I got up and went inside the wash room.

When I look into the mirror I can see that my eyes are exhausted as usual and are like this for past few years.

I am missing my Mom so much. She died four years back due to heart attack.

Then my dad made me come here to my uncle’s house thinking that they will take care of me properly. I wish he didn’t have done that because I need him.

My Mom always wanted me to become a doctor. I took her dream as my aim.

After coming here to New York, I wrote the entrance exams to join in New York medical college. By god’s grace I got seat in that college.

I went downstairs towards the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast. I got used to this new environment now because I have already lived few years in here away from India.

In two years I will complete my college. And I am waiting for that.

My uncle that is my father’s brother Mr.Prakash works in Harper Corporations. We heard that the CEO is very strict.

So my uncle always gets ready by 8am and tries to reach the company everyday on time. He is the head of finance department.

My Aunt Mrs.Shilpa is kind of a lady who loves to show a status higher than the original one.

Then I have a cousin Divya. She is one year younger than me. We both are kind of ok not that close.

But she is a sweet and bubbly girl and has a pressure of her mother on her. To act different outside and to even have selective friends who have high status in the society.

I shook my head at that stupidity. I mean friends are valuable in their own way and who cares for their status or something.

It is already 7am and I completed preparing the breakfast and prepared the vegetables for lunch.

My Uncle reached the dining table on dot at 7am.

“Good morning Uncle!” I greeted him.

“Good morning Suhani!” He replied.

I went upstairs and started getting ready for the college. I have to go by metro train as I don’t have any other transport to go by.

While getting down I went inside Divya’s room and wake her up a little.

“Good morning Sis!” she said opening her eyes.

“Good morning Divya! Get up or you will be late to college.” I said leaving her room.

When I was about to leave the house Aunty stopped me and said “Today some guests are coming to our house for dinner. I need your help.”

I nodded and went outside.

Yeah! The only help I will do is cook everything and you will just try to look best infront of them Aunty.

I know the thought is harsh but what can I do, I have to talk like this about them atleast in my mind. Otherwise I don’t know when I will lash at them on their faces.

And I can’t do that because they have let me live with them for these past few years right. So I need to stop myself and give respect to them.

I want to finish my college as soon as possible and go away from here.

Two years I need to wait Two years more. I thought sighing.

I just hope nothing adds to this life and just let me live my life smoothly until then……..


So this is the new story...

I will try to make it a good one...

This time i am writing it with indian background but everything happens in U.S.A. So new thing to do and i hope it will work out....

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