Chapter 36

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*Suhani Pov*

Next day we both woke up and got ready. When we went inside the dining room, we saw that my Dad is placing the plates and serving the breakfast.

"Dad what are you doing?" I asked going near him.

"I am serving breakfast." He replied.

I rolled my eyes and asked "Why?"

"After two hours, our relatives will be here. Then I know you both will be tired so I decided to help with atleast this." He explained.

I am shocked completely so I calmly sat on my chair and started eating when everyone sat.

We three ate calmly and I just frowned. When I was about to leave to our room, my dad stopped me and went inside his room.

He came back with a small cover and gave it to me.

I took it completely confused and opened it.

It is a red saree and a Mangala sutra and also a small box of Sindoor.

"Why are you giving me these Dad?" I asked him completely confused.

"Your Mom bought these when you were just sixteen years saying that she will give you these when you get married." Dad replied and I can see few tears in his eyes.

I hugged them to my heart and felt my tears started flowing. I controlled taking few breaths and felt Matt holding me.

"I want you to wear them to be presented infront of our relatives." Dad said.

"But dad we got married in a church." I said.

"It's not a big deal. Ask him to tie it and apply the Sindoor. Just for few days." Dad pleaded.

I nodded and then dad gave Matt some new clothes saying it as a tradition.

We both nodded and I dragged him inside our room.

"You know after coming to India you are always dragging me everywhere." He said after closing my door.

I smiled but still held the saree tightly to my chest.

He looked at the moment and said "You can cry on my shoulder, you know if you want to."

"Thanks but I am good." I said and went inside the bathroom.

Before closing the door I turned and said "You change here. I will change inside."

He nodded and I closed the door. I cried silently for few minutes and washed my eyes to clear the redness in them.

I started wearing the saree and went outside near dressing table. I saw the Sindoor and the Mangala sutra I kept there.

And turned around to call Matt but stunned to see him just gaping at me.

"What?" I asked him confused.

He shook his head like he just came out of his trance and started coming near me with a weird look.

When he completely walked near me I said "You need to tie that and apply this on my forehead a little."

"Sure!" he said and took the chain.

I turned towards the mirror and he stood behind me. I looked on the mirror the way he is concentrating on the chain and after doing it he looked directly into my eyes through the mirror.

"You are looking damn beautiful." He whispered in my ear making me shiver.

Felling this he smiled and kissed me on my neck. I cleared my throat and moved away from him.

I gave him the Sindoor box and signaled him to put it on my forehead.

He understood and applied it. I immediately closed my eyes and smiled.

I opened my eyes to see that he was about o say something but got disturbed by the knock on our door.

"Suhani everyone is here." I heard Dad saying from other side.

"Coming Dad." I said and nodded towards Matt.

I opened the door and we both started going to the living room.

There are not many relatives of ours. So we are saved.

But got bombarded with questions like 'You got married without telling us?', 'You married an American boy?' , etc..,

I looked at Matt to see that he is completely nervous. I assured him squeezing his hand.

No one is that close to us but asking questions like we just did a big mistake.

I shook my head and at the corner of my eye I saw the person whom I thought I will not.

I left Matt's hand and rushed near him and shouted "Rajesh!"

He grinned and opened his arms. I hugged him and tightly with big grin.

I released him and said "I missed you. Where is your family?"

"They couldn't come. So what am I listening this. You got married that too to an American?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"That's a long story." I replied and we talked about few things here and there.

Rajesh is my Dad's sister's son. We should actually get married as per our parent's decision.

But he loved some girl at that time and told me. If he says that to his parents they would have never accepted that so he asked me a favor.

I told my Mom that I don't want to marry him and simply the marriage is cancelled. We both are kind of close friends.

"Hey your Husband is looking like he is ready to murder me." he said looking beside me.

I looked behind and seems like he is right. Then I got a devilish plan.

I looked back at Rajesh smiling and he immediately said "Don't tell me you are planning something."

"I need a small favor." I said.

"And why should I do something for you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"If you will not then I will go near you parents and tell them the truth." I replied challenging him.

 "Oh no! Please don't do that. Even though I am married and you too got married they will still kill me." he said gulping.

"Good. Now just follow my lead." I said.

"But what if the people around us talk something?" he asked looking around.

"Are you kidding me? Even after you got married they still continued bickering saying that what a cute couple we would have been." I said rolling my eyes.

"You are right. So lead the way to this drama." He said bowing infront of me.

I smiled and nodded.......


Wanna see the complete transforation of Matt to jealous husband then wait for next chap ;)

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