Chapter 11

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*Suhani Pov*     

"Where are we going?" I really want to ask him that question for the past ten minutes.

But I totally kept quiet and just leaned on to the window. I calmly looked outside and we just got this environment inside the car like they say Pin-drop silence.

Maybe he too doesn't want to break this silence at all.

Finally he stopped infront of a tall building which is trust me very tall.

He got out form his side and opened my door. I just sat there not getting down.

I mean how I can. I don't even know where he brought me too.

He sighed and pulled me out of his car holding my hand. I didn't protest that much because I am sure he will win.

Then he dragged me towards the elevator and pressed 'P' button.

When we reached there he dragged me again and opened the door using some card.

Then when I realized that he brought me to his Penthouse. How stupid can I be?

Immediately I checked my purse and felt relieved that I have my 'Pepper spray' with me.

"There is no need for you to use that at all." He said looking at it.

I followed him inside to see very beautifully furnished living room.

He held my hand and started dragging me.

What's with him and his dragging? I can walk on my own right? I thought frowning.

With these thoughts I didn't saw that we are standing in his balcony at present and there are two chairs with a small table.

"Sit down!" he said and I immediately sat on a chair.

He occupied another chair and said "Now talk to me."

I looked at him completely confused but didn't open my mouth at all.

"I know that you are mad at me. So tell me what are you feeling or shout at me." he said rubbing his forehead.

I just shrugged but as I decided I didn't spoke even a single word.

"Ok I know I am totally wrong. I should have told you little nicely in the restaurant. But this is me. I am always like that when I am doing any business." He said and tried his best to make me understand.

When I didn't replied, he continued saying "After you three left, some people made fun of you. I don't want someone to do that to you. And that's why I told that suggestion which I shouldn't have. I realize my mistake now completely."

I nodded understanding.

"Don't give me this silent treatment please. If you want you can shout at me and show your anger on me. But just talk to me." He pleaded and which I didn't expect at all.

"I am not mad at you." I said honestly.

"Thank god you talked! Wait, you are not mad at me?" he asked me shocked.

"I am not. I don't even know what I am feeling. I mean we were just dating for past few days. I shouldn't get hurt like that but I did. I am totally confused." I replied looking at him.

"It is not a bad thing. It just happens. Some people may need more months time of bonding to feel like that and some people may need just a few seconds." He explained.

"But I don't want to become completely depend on you and make you feel suffocate because of me." I said a little worried.

"I will never get suffocate because of you trust me. Just remember this, getting attached early is not a bad thing." he said.

I nodded and smiled.

"So what's with this dragging and bringing me to your house? We could have talked at some other place." I said looking at him.

"I have already planned for our third date here for the evening. But looks like we are going to start it now itself." He said.

"If you had told me that you will bring me here, I would have said 'No'." I said.

"And why would you do that?" he asked me confused.

"Because it is too fast you know. So I don't think it is appropriate." I replied.

"Can I tell you something and after that you will not doubt this again?" he asked me in a serious tone.

I nodded asking him to continue.

He took a deep breath and said "Seriously speaking, our relation is not normal at all. I mean we both lashed at each other so mush and I am sure we both didn't do it with any person out there."

I smiled because he is totally true.

"And we both can't argue that we don't have that attraction between us. This would be just a story for me if I hadn't felt the attraction towards you. And I just hope you too feel the same." He said.

I acted like I am totally thinking and just laughed when he looked at me shocked.

He smiled and said "See we are good for each other. So our feelings may feel like it is very soon for them. But who decided the correct time for to have strong feelings on each other. No one did."

"You are right!" I said holding his hand.

"This just shows that we are totally right and you need not feel again that we are moving too fast." He said concluding it.

I smiled and said "Such a brilliant thought Matt."

"Well my business is not in this position if I don't have these." He said pointing his brain.

"You just had to ruin the moment." I said laughing.

"So are we ok now? Because we have long way ahead of us." He said pulling me towards me.

I hugged him and said "We are!"

He hugged me even more tightly and we just stayed like that.

I am sure we will be like this even in our tough times if they come.

We talked for some more time and he dropped me later to my house.

When I went inside I saw the whole family sitting in the living room. I don't want to get my mood spoil so I directly went towards my room

I called Mel and Becks to infrom them that I am totally fine and everything is good between us too.

Everything is fine now and I don't have any tensions.

Then I suddenly remember looking at my bag that the stupid exams are going to start soon.

My life doesn't leave a chance to torture me right????????


I hope you guys already got this point that. If any one of you have thought differently about  a scene or any part. Or have any doubts about that part, i try to clear it completely in the next chap.

So comment your views so that i can write it more good and also get you all understand the reasonig behind some scene or decision of the characters or like that.

Comment plz and vote..............

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