"Something wicked this way comes." ---Shakespeare

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Nick finally tired himself out and went limp under Carter's arms. Carter watched him for a moment before slowly getting off of him and straightening his shirt out. "That was not a good choice, was it Nick?" Carter asked flatly as he took a seat in his original chair.

Nick narrowed his eyes at him, what was his game? He didn't have the strategic mind Mia had, he just had a lot of anger and the desire to hit something. "I don't know, you seem to want to think for me so go ahead, tell me how bad of a choice I made." Nick sneered as he took his seat across from Carter.

Carter snorted as he opened the other file that was beside Mia's. "Nicholas, Nick, Hart, age seventeen. Dropped out of school at age eleven after getting almost a perfect zero on your Halfs," Carter said looking up at Nick with an amused expression. "You got three points for writing your name correctly."

"What can I say?" Nick said leaning back in his chair with false confidence. "I'm an overachiever."

Carter rolled his eyes as he began to read out of his file again. "You have a whole list of disorders that teachers have typed you with: ODD, ADHD, Depression, Anti-Social Personality Disorder , and just plain insubordination for the hell of it. You also have issues with aggression, violence, and are 'codependent' on your sister." Carter read off with ease.

Nick rolled his eyes, the schools gave out psych evals for all of the kids. Nick wasn't surprised his said all of that, especially since he was prone to destroying things. "Again, overachiever," Nick said winking at Carter.

Carter ignored him, of course, because Nick was sure Carter had some psychological issues that caused him to not have a sense of humor. "It says here most of the kids your age were afraid of you, well, really most of the town was afraid of you. You were prone to violent outbursts and some say you had the devil in you." Carter said as he closed the file and placed it on the table. "That's why you landed on my lap."

Nick knew Carter was baiting him, but what the hell, he was curious what the guy had to say on why Nick was here. "Alright, I'll take the bait, what do you mean?" He asked his eyes dancing across Carter's face.

"It means," Carter began as he place his hands on the table. "That you're too violent and risky for a government facility, and too dangerous for a prison. The government is afraid of you and what you can do because you're completely nuts. My job is to break you down and have you begging to be at one of those facilities. I'm supposed to make you excited to serve your community." He said with a simple shrug.

Nick laughed a little at the other boy. "Good luck with that. I may be crazy, but the good thing about crazy is that I don't give a shit about your plan. I don't give a shit about your torture and your rules." He said leaning towards Carter with a smirk on his face. "So I challenge you to break me, please shatter me open. Just be warned, you're going to be opening a Pandora's box."

Nick liked the story of Pandora's Box, he read it to Mia when she was little. It was a greek myth about a girl who got a box that she was told not to open. In that box were a bunch of bad things that if they escaped would destroy the world around them. Pandora, the woman who was gifted the box, couldn't take the curiosity of the locked away spirits. She didn't understand what was in the box or why it was there so to understand it she opened it. She let all of the bad things out into the world and they weren't able to be controlled. That was exactly what would happen if Carter tried to shatter Nick open.

"That's what they all say," Carter said dryly. "But your type are easy to break. And, Dad says if I can break you I can keep you. You were a gift to me, because you are the challenge my Dad doesn't want to take up." Carter spoke candidly with a wave of his hand. "So, I have all the time in the world."

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