Another Book 2 Excerpt!

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Hey guys, I'm so excited to share another part of book 2 with you. I am about 150 pages in and excited to share the finished product once it's completed. For now, I'll be uploading the occasional teaser like this one! It's super short but I hope you like it! Thanks for taking the time to read it, I love sharing Mia, Nick, Sam, and Liam plus all the other characters with you guys! —Lola

"Mia, what did you even write this in? It doesn't even look like a language." Liam asked as he waved a black composition notebook in the air.

"It's in code," Mia called with her back to the three boys. She was staring at the white board by the door with a marker moving quickly between her forefinger and thumb. The cap was still on the marker. "Because Nick likes to read my journals when he thinks I'm not in here. So, I've made sure prying eyes can't read my private thoughts."

He did not read her notebooks when she was not here! Okay, he didn't read them often. It wasn't his fault she fell asleep a little too close to his bed and left her notebooks right in reach. It wasn't his fault she would leave the notebook she was working on open when she left. She who leaves her notebooks out pays the price. This last week though, he hadn't been able to move very much because of his stupid leg. Mia said he would feel better if he took the pain medicine and he replied that he wasn't going to become a pill addict. That hadn't exactly gone over well.

"You read her journals?" Sam asked in disapproval. "Seriously?"

Nick scowled deeply in his direction. "Have you tried to get a straight answer out of a genius? Or an honest one? You would be reading Liam's journals too if he had a brain that wasn't the size of a pea."

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