Chapter 1: Lucy's Dream

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"Lucy, run!" Natsu shoved her out of the way. Lucy gripped her gate keys. 

"No way am I leaving you!" She said as she summoned Leo the Lion. Natsu smiled sadly at her determined face.

"Please, Lucy...I don't want you to die too."

Tears ran down Lucy's face. "You're not going to die Natsu! We can beat him!" 

Suddenly, Zeref attacked Lucy. "Repent!" He cried. Lucy's heart stopped. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Natsu's face exploded into fear as he ran towards her. "NO!" He screamed. Lucy saw the blast of magic heading straight for her. "So this is how I die..." She said quietly. Tears streamed down her face. Suddenly, Natsu grabbed her, shielding her from Zeref's attack. He gripped her tightly and whispered into her ear. "I'm sorry, Lucy."

Lucy felt a tremendous amount of magic power hit him. He gasped softly as his life started fading away. He never loosened his grip on her. "NATSU!" She cried. She put her hands on his face, wiping away his tears. "Please, hang in there!" 

He smiled softly. Then, he did the one thing he had always wanted to do. He kissed her. "Lucy...I love you..." He hit the ground with the force of a meteor, never letting go of the one precious thing in his life.

Lucy wailed into his chest as Natsu took his last breath...

"NO!" Lucy screamed. Tears streamed down her face as she clutched her bed sheets in fear. 

"Oy Lucy!" Natsu cried, jumping out of his skin. "Are you okay?"

Lucy covered her face with her hands and sobbed. Then, she jumped out of her bed and flung her arms around Natsu. He jumped again, surprised.

"Er...Lucy?" He asked, confused. She clutched him tightly.

"You're alive!" She sobbed.

"Of course I'm alive?"

"I had a horrible dream! Zeref attacked me, but you took the hit and saved me!"

He grinned at her. "How's that a bad dream then if I saved you?"

Lucy trembled. "That's not all. You started dying. In your final moment, you kissed me and said you loved me and died...right there. In front of me! It was horrible!"

Natsu's face got red for a minute, but then pity crept across his face. He hugged Lucy. "I'm so sorry you had to see that." He patted her head and suddenly grinned. "Don't worry about that dream though because I'm never gonna die, Luce." He said with confidence.

Lucy smiled as she watched her headstrong best friend try to cheer her up.

"Ooh, she loves him!" A certain flying blue cat giggled.

Lucy glared at Happy. "Where did you come from?!" She demanded.

He grinned. "I was looking for some fish, but you have none!"

"Why would I have fish you stupid cat!"

"Oops, now I made you angry." Happy flew out of Lucy's reach. "Natsu, don't let the scary lady attack me!"

"I'm not scary!" Lucy growled. 

"Eek!" Natsu and Happy cried. Lucy sucked in a breath.

"I'm sorry guys." She said, rubbing her eyes.

"I was just joking, Lucy. You're not actually scary." Happy smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Why don't we go to the guild hall?" She suggested.

"You're going to go like that?" Natsu asked, looking at her. Lucy suddenly realized she was in her nightgown. 

"AHHH!" She cried. Then, she realized something. "Wait a minute, what are you two doing in my room?!"

"We found a job!" They said in unison. "It pays 100,000 jewel! Enough to cover your rent!"

"Ugh fine. But get out so I can get dressed!" 

"No problem, Luce. Just meet us at the guild hall." Natsu jumped out of Lucy's window and Happy grabbed him. They flew towards the guild hall. "See ya!"

"Use the door idiots!" Lucy screamed as she shook her head in disapproval. She walked to her kitchen to grab some food and groaned when she opened the fridge. "Geez, they ate all my food too?" She muttered. She closed to door to see Virgo standing there. Lucy squealed in fright. "What are you doing here?! I didn't summon you!"

"Sorry Princess. Punishment?" Virgo asked hopefully.

"NO WAY!" Lucy shouted. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. "Why are you here though?"

"I saw you were crying, so I decided to see if you were okay. Plus, I wanted to see that pink-haired boy you like and his cat again."

"I don't like him!"

"If you say so, Princess." Virgo said, doubtfully.

"Will you help me get ready so I can go on a job?" Lucy asked.

"Of course, Princess." Within ten minutes, Virgo had Lucy dressed, fed, and packed.

"Thanks a lot, Virgo!" Lucy said in appreciation. Virgo just bowed and went back to the celestial world. Lucy grabbed her stuff and headed to the guild hall.

"Time to find those two idiots and make them pay for my food!" She grinned devilishly.

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