Chapter 7: The Western Mountains

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"Everybody up!" Erza blew a whistle.

"Youch!" Gray bumped his head. "Where the hell did you get that?!"

"My cart of luggage." Erza smirked. "Be ready to eat in 5 minutes! I cooked some trout over the fire and we can eat berries and bread with it."

"YOU COOKED THE FISH?!" Happy yelled.

"Can't you just go get your own raw fish?" Lucy yawned.

"No way! I hate the water." Happy pouted.

"Fine, I'll go get you one." Lucy sighed. "On one condition. You show me what you secretly brought along. Deal?"

"Deal!" Happy agreed.

"Ooh, it smells good Erza!" Wendy complimented.

Erza blushed. "Thank you. Now, come eat!"

"I'll join in a sec," Lucy said. "First, I'm gonna help Happy." Erza nodded at her.

Lucy and Happy went towards the stream. "Let's find a shallower spot..." Lucy grimaced looking at the strong current.

"Aye!" Happy agreed.

They found a spot that was knee-high. Lucy removed her shoes and socks and waded into the water. She shivered.

"It's cold! You never said it was cold!" She accused.

"Oops, I thought I did." Happy smirked. "How are you going to catch it?" 

"With my hands." Lucy said. 

"That's dumb. Why don't you call one of your spirits?" Happy scoffed.

"They're on vacation." Lucy stuck out her tongue. 

She crouched down and observed the fish. One fish was slower than the others. She held her breath and jumped to catch it. She slipped on the wet rocks and fell into the stream. Happy doubled over in laughter. He watched the water and waited for Lucy to surface. 30 seconds later, she still hadn't come up. Happy started to worry. 

"Lucy?" He called. He scanned the water, looking for her blonde hair. A minute passed and he still didn't see her. "Lucy!" 

He saw a glimmer of blonde and flew into the water. He grabbed Lucy's shirt and pulled her up. She was unconscious, but she had gotten the fish. It wiggled in her clenched hand. 

"She got it..." Tears sprang to Happy's eyes. "Lucy..." He worriedly flew back to the others. 

"Gray!" Happy called. Gray looked up, alarmed.

"What happened to Lucy?" He asked.

"She tried to get me a fish...and she slipped...I guess she hit her head..." Happy cried. Gray felt for Lucy's pulse.

"She's still breathing, but it's very shallow. I better get Erza." He ran off. 

Happy shook Lucy's arm. "Lucyyy, wake up! Please!"

Erza ran over with Gray. "What's wrong?"

"Lucy hit her head in the stream. She's unconscious but has a pulse." Gray explained.

"Open her mouth and give her rescue breaths." Erza instructed. Gray followed her orders. A moment later, Lucy started to cough. She sat up and threw up water.

"You okay?" Gray asked, concerned.

"Lucy!!!" Happy cried into her chest.

"Hey Happy." Lucy coughed.

Suddenly, Wendy ran over. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Lucy nodded. "It is now. Let's go finish eating."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Erza looked uncertain. Lucy nodded. They all stood up and headed back. Lucy fell behind and grabbed Happy.

"Show me what you were hiding." Happy complied. He pulled out a folded photo. It was her, Natsu, and Happy together in front of the guild hall. It was from when they completed their first mission together.

"Why did you bring that?" Lucy asked, confused.

"Just in case we need to remind Natsu of what matters." Happy tucked it back up. 

"Aw, that's cute." Lucy smiled. They joined the others and ate breakfast. After they ate, Erza handed out climbing gear and reminded everyone of the safety rules. They headed to the mountains and started climbing. Erza had made them climb before, so they at least knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, they had forgotten how difficult climbing was.

"This is hard!" Wendy sucked in a breath. 

"Yeah, it is." Happy complained.

"You're literally flying!" Gray rolled his eyes.

"But my wings are tired."

"Hurry up!" A voice called from above. Everyone looked up to see Erza standing on a path that was on a ledge, waiting for them.

"There was a path?!" Lucy groaned.

"How's she already up there?!" Gray yelled.

"We could've walked the entire time...?" Wendy sighed.

"Climbing is much faster." Erza said.

"Not really..." Lucy said as she hoisted herself up.

Carla looked down. "Goodness, you guys climb quickly."

Wendy's face turned pale. "So...high...up..."

"Lucy, I would carry you up but you're too heavy." Happy stated.

"I'm not heavy!" Lucy huffed. Happy giggled. 

"We don't have all day...." Erza tapped her foot impatiently.

"You're not helping Erza!" Gray gritted his teeth.

"We're getting there." Lucy panted.

After what felt like forever, the others had finally made it to Erza. Lucy collapsed on the ground.

"Ughhhhh..." She groaned.

"Come on Lucy," Gray helped her up.

"What now?" Wendy asked.

"We find Natsu. I'm assuming this path leads somewhere." Erza said.

"It could lead to a trap!" Carla reminded.

 Erza nodded. "We'll have to be cautious."

They carefully continued on the path. There was a large bend ahead and the ledge was narrowing.

"Everyone, turn sideways and carefully inch your way around the mountain." Erza demonstrated.

"I don't like this...." Wendy gulped. Lucy gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. 

With Erza leading, they successful made it around the bend and were shocked with the view. The clouds sat right above their heads. They could see a gorgeous lake surrounded by mountains. To their left was a large cave.

"There it is!" Gray shouted. 

Suddenly, a person stumbled out of the cave. He was injured badly and was covered in blood. He looked at the group of people in shock. Lucy looked at the man in horror.


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