Chapter 13: The Youngest Dragon Slayer

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He smiled softly. Then, he did the one thing he had always wanted to do. He kissed her. "Lucy...I love you..." He hit the ground with the force of a meteor, never letting go of the one precious thing in his life.

"SHATTERING LIGHT: SKY DRILL!" Zeref groaned as he flew backwards and hit the ground.

Lucy twisted her head towards the cave opening. "W-Wendy?"

A flash of pink hair zoomed towards Lucy and gave her a smile.

"You're alive!" Lucy said joyously. And she's using dragon force! She thought.

"Yes, thanks to Erza and Carla." Wendy started healing Natsu. "We don't have time to fully heal him since Zeref is the main priority, but I'll at least save him from dying. Then Zeref can eat my fist." 

Lucy grinned at the young dragon slayer's confidence. Wendy finished healing Natsu and ran off to fight Zeref.

"Lucy!" Gray yelled as he entered the cave. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, but can you get Natsu off of me? He's heavy..." She groaned.

"Sure thing." Gray lifted Natsu. "He's still out?"

"Yeah, he's fine though." Lucy said. She turned to Wendy. "Wow, she's doing amazing!"

"Yes, she's grown." The cloaked man commented.

"Who are you?! And why are you with Gray?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I'm Juvia." She lifted her hood.

"JUVIA?!" Lucy cried. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" She hugged Juvia tightly.

"Lucy...can't...breathe..." Juvia choked out.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so glad you're back!" Lucy apologized.

"Me too." Juvia said as she smiled at her friend.

Suddenly, they felt a wave of heat come towards them.

"Natsu..." Happy breathed.

"Why must he always be so reckless?!" Lucy groaned.

"He's Natsu." Erza stated obviously.

"Where did you come from?!" Gray squealed.

"Outside." Erza rolled her eyes.

"Ahhh, we gotta go!" Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand and dragged her with him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Lucy yelled.

"The cave is about to collapse!" Wendy panted as she dragged Erza and Carla with her.

"Oh crap!" Gray ran out, dragging Juvia behind him.

"What about Zeref?" Carla asked.

"We took care of him!" Wendy assured.

"Yeah, we beat him up and the cave is about to collapse on him!" Natsu giggled.

"Natsu! That's horrible!" Erza reprimanded.

"He deserves to die!" Natsu retorted.

"Don't worry, he won't die." Wendy huffed. "He's Zeref, but he will be pretty injured for a long time."

Suddenly, a large explosion was heard behind them. The cave had collapsed. They coughed from the dust. Zeref was unconscious on the ground, rock covering him.

"Should we bring him with us?" Lucy asked.

"Are you crazy?!" Gray's eyes popped out of his head.

"Well, I mean, do you want him hurting others?" Lucy glared at Gray.

"Lucy, he's the most powerful wizard in the world and you wanna bring him with us?!" Gray yelled.

"Can't you keep him in a cage or something?" Lucy suggested.

"Excellent idea, I'll put him in a cage." Gray rolled his eyes.

"Do it." Erza commanded.

"Erza!" Gray gritted his teeth.

"I have seal stone cuffs." Erza said.

"I'm gonna regret this..." Gray ran to the rubble and pulled Zeref out. "Ice make prison! Who's gonna pull this?"

"I'll do it." Juvia volunteered.

Everyone stared at her. "JUVIA?!"

"Yes, she's back. She'll tell you the story later okay?" Gray huffed.

"Shut up Gray!" Lucy smacked his arm.

"Whatever." Gray took off his shirt.

"Stop. Stripping." Lucy narrowed her eyes.


"Are you okay?" Erza asked Juvia.

"Yes, I'll tell you the story as we travel back to Magnolia." Juvia replied.

"Yay! You're coming back?"  Wendy bounced up and down.

"Yes..." Juvia hesitated.

"LET'S GO!" Gray yelled impatiently. Erza fastened the handcuffs on Zeref. Once that was completed, they traveled down the mountain and back to the port.

"It's too late to get on the ship." Erza reported. "We'll have to try tomorrow."

Everyone groaned and made their way back to the mountain's base. Natsu grabbed Wendy and pulled her to the back of the group.

"Wendy, can you perform a separation enchantment on Zeref later?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, not right now though. I've used a lot of magic power today, and plus, we should probably see what Gramps says first." She replied.

Natsu nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

"All right everyone, listen up." Erza commanded. "Gray, Juvia, and I will set up camp. Wendy, Carla, and Happy will look for firewood. Natsu and Lucy, you'll watch Zeref. We will have nightly shifts watching Zeref, starting with Natsu and Lucy."

"Why us?!" They complained.

"Silence!" Erza glared at them. "You two will watch him until midnight, then Gray and myself will take over."

"Midnight? That's like 5 hours!" Lucy complained. Erza silenced her with a look.

"Understand?" Erza asked.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone squeaked nervously.

"Haha, just you and me, Luce!" Natsu threw his arm around Lucy.

"And me!" Happy giggled.

"This is gonna be a long night..." Lucy groaned as she glared at the two.

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