Chapter 6: The Journey

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3 hours later, Team Natsu was on a boat heading for the Western Mountains. Lucy breathed in the fresh air and smiled happily knowing she was going to see Natsu soon.

"If you don't stop smiling, your face will get stuck in that goofy grin!" Happy snickered.

Lucy swatted him. "I'm too happy to care."

Erza arched an eyebrow, surprised, but then became excited. "You're happy to climb the mountain too, Lucy?! I never knew you liked physical activity so much."

Lucy blushed and looked at her. "Uh..that's not it. And how are you excited to climb a freaking mountain?!"

"Cause she's Erza." Gray stated obviously.

"You should be focusing, not joking around!" Carla reprimanded.

"Focusing on what exactly?" Gray questioned.

"Finding Natsu!"

Lucy hit Gray's head. "Did you really forget?"

"Ow! That hurt Lucy!"

Lucy giggled. "Sorry!"

"Hey, has anyone seen Wendy? It appears that we are close to shore." Erza asked.

"She's laying down in the bunks." Carla said. "She's seasick."

Erza nodded and went to collect her. 

Gray settled in a chair and stretched, without his shirt or pants on. "Ahhh, that's better."

"Ooh, Lucy! Gray's doing it again." Happy smirked.

"Stop stripping!" Lucy bonked him on the head. 

"Stop hitting me!" Gray gritted his teeth.

"Quiet!" A commanding voice said. Everyone froze. Erza stepped forward and listened. Everything was quiet and tranquil. Suddenly, a loud roar was heard.

"What was that?" Lucy asked nervously.

"That wasn't a dragon, right?" Gray scanned the horizon.

"I don't think so, I thought they were all dead." Carla frowned.

"It sounded like...Natsu..." Happy whispered, worriedly. He landed on Lucy's lap and stared at her. "Lucy, I think Natsu's in trouble..."

Lucy's brow furrowed. "What do you mean, Happy?"

"He sounds angry..."

"You can tell?" Lucy asked in surprise.

Happy slightly smiled. "Of course I can, I've been with him for years."

"What do you think is wrong?" Carla asked.

Happy shrugged. "There's no way of knowing. I just hope he doesn't go overboard and destroy something important."

Gray made a face. "If he does, Erza's gonna kill him." He shivered. "And no one wants to see that."

"Did someone say my name?" Erza asked.

"Uh, no." Gray replied. 

"Hm, ok. Everyone, get ready to go. We're pulling into the dock right now. We will head straight for the mountains." She instructed.

"Can't we stop and get some food?" Happy whined.

"I could use a soda..." Wendy groaned as she wobbled over to the group. Erza patted her on the head.

"Very well, we will stop and eat, but then we are leaving. Understood?" Everyone nodded. The boat docked and they exited. 

"Ahh it feels so good being on land again!" Lucy sighed happily.

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