Chapter 16: Makarov's Opinion

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It was still night when they reached Magnolia. Erza eagerly exited the train. 

"Finally! We're back!" She exclaimed.

"Uh, you okay Erza?" Gray asked, looking confused.

"I think she's just suffering from a lack of sleep." Wendy said.

"Did she watch Zeref all night?" Juvia asked, bewildered. Wendy nodded.

"Ooh, that was a nice catnap!" Happy rubbed his eyes. "Especially since Carla was there!"

Carla blushed. "Shush, tomcat."

Happy giggled and stared at her with heart eyes.

"Where's Natsu? And Lucy?" Gray looked around.

"Probably still asleep." Erza shrugged.

"On the train?" Wendy asked.

"Wait, isn't the train about to depart?!" Juvia cried out.

The train whistle blew. 

"Oh no!" Erza rushed to the train. Happy beat her and flew in the open window. He grabbed Natsu and Lucy and hoisted them out.

"So..heavy.." He panted before collapsing. He dropped the two and they fell through the air. 

"AHHH!" Everyone shrieked. Gray caught Natsu and Erza caught Lucy.

"Eww, why couldn't I have caught Lucy?" Gray complained.

Juvia glared daggers at Lucy. "Love rival.." She mumbled.

"What the?" Natsu woke up. "Why are you holding me, Ice Princess?!"

"Cause you're an idiot and didn't wake up!" Gray dropped Natsu, disgusted.

"Well, I didn't want to wake up Lucy!" He fired back.

"Why didn't you just carry her?" Gray rolled his eyes.

Wendy sighed. "They're so childish!"

"Where am I?" Lucy rubbed her eyes and looked around. "Oh, we're in Magnolia."

Erza gently set her down. "You okay?"

Lucy nodded. "Thanks."

"Lucy, you're so heavy!" Happy complained.

"No I'm not!" She yelled.

"Let's get going." Erza commanded. She dragged the luggage cart. "Natsu and Wendy can pull Zeref."

"Oh, great." Natsu rolled his eyes.

"Cheer up, Natsu. It'll be fun!" Wendy said energetically. Natsu patted her on the head and grabbed the handle.

They walked back to the guild.

"I'm scared." Juvia whispered to Gray.

"Don't be. Master will understand." He said reassuringly.

"But I helped Zeref! That's unforgivable!" 

"Juvia, we all know you meant well. You didn't have a choice. Besides, you've proved yourself multiple times as a Fairy Tail member and have saved us on multiple occasions. Gramps won't kick you out. Even if he does, I'll stop him."

Juvia blushed at his kindness. "Thank you, Gray. You're such a sweetheart!"

"Uh, it's not a problem! At all.." He stuttered, scratching his head. Juvia giggled and stared at him adoringly.

"You know Natsu, it's not too late to take my offer." Zeref said.

"Oh, be quiet you!" Natsu shoved a rag in his mouth.

"Why didn't you think of that earlier?" Wendy asked.

"I dunno." Natsu shrugged.

"Carla, you look so pretty today!" Happy complimented.

"Thank you. You look nice too Happy." Carla replied.

"Erza, what do you think Master will say?" Lucy asked.

"I'm not sure. Zeref is definitely a problem and a threat. We have to do something about him." Erza sighed. "I hope he realizes the separation enchantment is our best option."

"How will we destroy his magic though?" 

"I don't know. They only person who had the same magic as him was the First Master. I don't know if she'll be able to do anything, though."

"Could she destroy the magic with hers?" Lucy suggested.

"Possibly. We'll talk to Master when we get inside." Erza stated as they stood in front of the guild hall. Everyone took a deep breath as they entered.

"Welcome back everybody!" Mirajane exclaimed cheerfully. "How was-AHHHH!" 

"What the hell?" Cana yelled, falling off of the table.

"Why is he here?!" Levy cried.

"Salamander! Why do you have Zeref?" Gajeel demanded.

"Silence!" Erza held up her hand. "First, we must see Master, then we'll explain everything."

"He's in his office. I'll get him." Mirajane hurried off.

"I can't believe you guys managed to capture him!" Romeo said excitedly.

"They're real men!" Elfman shouted.

"You guys are CRAZY!" Cana laughed. 

"Lucy, I missed you so much!" Levy ran over to her and grabbed her hands.

"I missed you too, Lev." Lucy replied.

"What's all the commotion?" Makarov asked grumpily.

"Master!" Erza exclaimed. "We need your advice."

"Let's go to the basement." He said.

They all walked downstairs and Mirajane blocked the basement off so they could have privacy. 

"Why is Zeref here?" Makarov's brow furrowed.

"We captured him!" Natsu boasted. 

"You captured him?! Natsu, that's the worst idea you've ever had!" Makarov hit him with a giant fist.

"Ouch! Watch it old man!" Natsu grumbled. Lucy giggled.

Erza cleared her throat. "Yes, we captured him, so we could stop him from hurting us and the rest of the world."

"Keeping him in a cage doesn't stop him from hurting people!" 

"Master, I actually had an idea." Wendy piped up. "I wanted to perform a separation enchantment on him."

Makarov gasped. "Child, can you do something so advanced?"

"Yes, I can. It might drain me, but I'm willing to do it to save the others!" Wendy said, determined. Erza smiled approvingly.

"Very well. I think that's the best thing we can do, but what happens to all of his magic?"

"I'll destroy it." A small voice said from behind them. Zeref's eyes widened. 

"Mavis!" He said, muffled.

"First Master!" Everyone bowed their heads respectfully.

"First Master, are you sure you can destroy it?" Makarov asked.

"I'm sure. We have the same magic, so I should be able to destroy it with mine." She replied.

"Yes, I knew it!" Lucy cheered.

"All right." Makarov shook his head. "You brats better be careful. Especially you, Wendy. Rest up tonight because first thing tomorrow, we're performing the separation enchantment!"

"Whoo hoo!" Everyone cheered.

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