Chapter One

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It was another overcast day in London. Which seemed to be the norm this time of year, or any time of year really. Phil had left the flat to get some fresh air for a while. Perhaps he would visit a shop or two, he wasn't really sure yet. Phil wandered around for a bit before sighing and sitting on a bus stop bench. Even a walk couldn't cure his boredom. He rested his head on the back of the bench and fiddled with his hair. Dan was out doing a collaboration video with Louise and wouldn't be back until late evening. This left Phil lonely and without company. Phil twiddled his thumbs and looked up at the sky. The sun was peeking through the clouds but no matter how much Phil tried he could not be optimistic.

Phil stood up and paced the pavement before sitting down again with an exasperated sigh. "God," he thought "I'm so pathetic" he rubbed his eyes and slumped against the bench.

Down the street he spotted a young woman running towards him at break-neck speed. As she passed him she tripped on her shoelace and fell onto him landing in his lap. She bolted up as a dark blush dusted her face. "I'm so sorry" she said frantically trying to wipe the non-existing dirt off of him.

"Oh, I'm alright. Really, I'm fine." Phil waved his hand dismissively trying to comfort her.

The girl had an American accent, implying that she wasn't native to England. Phil took in her appearance and decided she was quite pretty. "What's your name? Mine's Phil." he offered his hand to her.

"____." She replied taking his hand and shaking it.

"____, That's a beautiful name. I like it!" Phil complimented.

"T-thank you Sir, I mean um... Phil?" She stuttered still a bit frazzled.

"What's all this?" Phil gestured to all the paper scattered about the pavement.

"Oh no, my art!" ____ scrambled to pick up the fallen art from the ground. Phil bent over to help collecting a few nearest to him. He picked up a particular piece and admired it.

"This is very good, are you an artist?" Phil asked.

"Yeah I want to be, but I'm not very good yet." ____ mumbled.

"'Practice makes perfect' as they say. Though you don't have far to go." Phil encouraged.

____ smiled. "You're right, and thanks"

"No problem." Phil smiled. "What are you running for"

"Um, well.. just in a hurry to get from point A to point B I suppose." She laughed lightly.

"What were point A and B if you don't mind me asking?"

"College to my computer, honestly." She admitted. "May I sit by you?" Phil nodded and she sat beside him. "What do you do?"

"Oh, I'm a YouTuber, I used to do a radio show." Phil said nonchalantly.

____ smacked her forehead with her open hand and snapped her fingers with the other. Phil looked at her curiously. "You did that radio show with Danisnotonfire, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's the one!" Phil beamed.

"It was the first show I heard when I came to London, I listened to it religiously." She said triumphantly.

"That's awesome! it's always great to meet fans!" Phil radiated energy and ____ giggled.

Phil wrapped her in a warm hug and she froze; she hadn't been hugged in a while, but felt nice. She hugged him back and they stayed like that for longer than necessary . Phil coughed and blushed after they parted. ____ shuffled her feet along the pavement and looked anywhere but his face.

"Hey this might seem a little forward but... may I have your number?" Phil asked, "You seem like a cool person, I'd like to get to know you better."

"Sure, I would love to get to know you as well, Phil" she said pulling a pen out of her purse. "Do you want me to write it on your arm or paper?"

Phil held out his arm and she wrote her number on his arm. "There," she smiled. ____ glanced at her watch and shot up from the bench. "I must be going now" As she ran away she stopped to turn around "It was nice to meet you Phil!" and with that she ran off.

"She was sweet." Phil thought. He stood up and walked back home, he'd had enough excitement for today. When Phil climbed the stairs he noticed the light bulb was broken again. Phil sighed and made a mental note to tell Dan to pick up a bulb on his way home. Phil unlocked the door and walked in. Phil saw a note he didn't notice earlier.


I know that the light bulb needs fixing, I'm going to pick that up when I return to Louise's. Also there's a pack of Pocky there on the counter for you, you've seemed down lately.

(P.S. Stop eating all my cereal you prick!)


Phil smiled and retrieved the Pocky. Strawberry his favorite. Phil took a biscuit out and chewed on it thoughtfully. Kicking off his shoes he went into the lounge. Turning on the television he settled on something he could enjoy.

Phil checked his phone, it had been two hours and Dan still wasn't back. Phil looked at the number on his arm and pondered for a bit. surely it wouldn't hurt to give her a ring. he entered the contact info and sent her a quick message.

"Hello, it's Phil :) ." He typed.

After a few minutes his phone buzzed, "Oh hey Phil, what's up?" she had replied.

"I just wanted to say 'hey', so hey." He smiled, he thought he was quite witty.

"Haha, 'hey' to you too, handsome :P" She replied.

It was shaping up to be a cool day.

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