Chapter 1

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Skylers POV
When the doctors told me about my dead mother it brought tears to my eyes. Not because she is dead. Its because I don't remember her, or anything, or anyone.
I had to ask the doctors several of times of what my name was because I kept forgetting it.
They said I have a really bad case of amnesia and I should have someone I can trust take care of me for awhile until my memory is back.
Really...they think I am going to remember someone to take care of me?! I can't remember my own fucking gosh darn name how stupid are these people?! Where the hell did their common sense run off too?!
After I was checked out of the hospital a very nice police officer, who seemed familiar, drove me to the police station and I stayed there for about five hours until the air echoed with the sound of the bell that rings when the door is opened.
I turned my head and saw a family that looked to nice to be at a police station. Why are they starting at me like that?
The lady, who I am guessing is the mother, was smiling at me and she waved. I waved back hesitantly then quickly put my hand down and looked away so I don't make eye contact with her anymore.
The woman started talking to the police officer at the front desk, mumbling things I couldn't quite make out.
"Alright ma'am. Just fill out this paper work" I heard the police officer say as he slapped a big wad of papers In front of the woman.
She and her little daughter flinched from the sound of the papers slapping the desk.
After about a whole hour of watching that woman fill out all that paper work non stop I started to doze off until I felt a tiny little hand touch my face. I opened my eyes quickly and saw that woman's daughter holding her hand right under my chin, like she is doing and inspection on my face.
I didn't want to be rude and say "get the fuck off me" because she looked to be around the age of three maybe four.
"Mommy she is pretty" the little girl said turning her head to face her mom
"I know darling" the woman flashed me a little smile so I smiled back.
"This is family!" The police officer happily cheered.
"Wait what?!" I yelled
"This will be your family until you get your memory back, but if they let you move in longer it's up to them"
Okay so first I get out the hospital then you throw me into a family I don't even know!? Really?!
This better be fucking worth it...
"Okay..." I sighed and got up from the chair I was sitting in and started to walk towards them with the little girl at my side.
Here I go.... I thought as I got into their car.
Nothing weird better happen...because I might have known these people before ,but now I can't trust anyone thanks to the amnesia.

Were all mad here( JTK fanfic)[SEQUEL TO RED ROSES AND SLIT THROATS]Where stories live. Discover now