Chapter 5

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     When I wake up, I simply lay there and enjoy the silence. For a moment I pretend that I'm in my apartment just being my usual antisocial self. But once I realize I'm handcuffed and chained, I lose that peace. I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. He has taken away what little I had and forced me into this room, into further isolation- which up until now I thought was impossible. I am the queen of isolation. I haven't had a real conversation with anyone in years. But for him to take me and lock me up is isolation to a whole new level.

     I hear the door unlock and I curl up on the corner of the bed. He comes down and walks toward me but I don't look at him.

     "I've got good news Grace. I'm going to move you. We're going somewhere far but very nice and I bet you'll love it. Do you want to know where?" I don't answer. "Well, I won't tell you exactly where but it's been in my family for decades. I actually grew up there until I started to work but I won't get into that now. Anyway, I've got all your stuff in order. I've packed up your belongings from your apartment and given your manager your notice. You don't have to worry about work" He says oh so assuringly. "I'm going to take care of you now. I promise."

     I just stare down and let my hair cover my face. I fight back tears. He's meticulously planned everything and I can't believe what is happening to me. It seems too absurd and unreal. Things like this don't happen to people like me. It's never the broken, disturbed people you hear about getting kidnapped. It's always the pretty girl that had her whole life ahead of her and everyone misses so dearly and they fight to get her back. No one misses me. No one will fight for me.

     "The only problem is" he continues,"I can't let you see where we're going on our way there so I'm going to have to sedate you.." He says this so regrettably. I look up at him with a panicked look on my face. I furiously nod no. "It's okay. It's a very long drive there anyway. I promise you angel, it will only be a pinch." I start to panic even further as he pulls out a syringe. Tears start to fall and I move the chains and retreat as far back as I can. "Grace calm down, if you struggle it will hurt more."

     "Please" I faintly whisper, "don't." I look at him with pleading eyes. He looks at me and puts the syringe down. He moves closer to me and moves my hair out of my face.

     "You finally speak!" He says excitedly. He stares at me for a moment. "Alright I'll tell you what, I won't drug you if, and only if, you promise not to try to leave or make contact with someone. Do you think you can do that?" He questions as if speaking to a distraught child. I look him in the eye and nod yes. "Alright great. This is gonna be so much fun. We're going to have a fresh start at a beautiful place and no one can bother us. The best part is I have you now darling. Oh and before I forget, here's your necklace." He pulls out the necklace he sent me. He puts it around my neck and kisses my forehead. "That reminds me, I have a surprise for you waiting at the new place."

     I consider it somewhat of a victory that I'm not getting drugged. But I don't want to do this. I want to go home and I can't. I want to scream but I can't. In fact, I want to die but I can't seem to do that either. I'm helpless. I certainly am not looking forward to this surprise and I don't look forward to this trip. But at least I don't need to be tranquilized on drugs. At least I can think to myself and find some comfort in that.

     He pulls out his keys but before he unlocks the cuffs he looks at me. "Now you made a promise to me Grace. I expect you to keep it. Please, I don't want to have to hurt you." I nod to reassure him and he releases me from the handcuffs. He grips my hand and leads me out of the basement. He takes me into the hall and asks if I need to use the bathroom. I nod yes and he shows me the way. "I'll be right out here."

     I close the door and look in the mirror. I look like crap. I'm paler than usual and I look almost dead. When I look around the bathroom there is literally nothing but a roll of toilet paper. He truly is packed and ready to go. When I finish he grabs my hand and leads me further out.

     "I've had some pretty good memories here. I'm gonna miss this place." He tells me reminiscently. It's a nice small house. It's painted white and brown like the other houses around it. This would be a nice neighborhood for normal people to live in. He leads me to his black pickup truck. There's all kinds of boxes in the back. I see his neighbor across the street take his trash out and I contemplate reaching out to him before it's too late. I want to cry, scream, run, anything to get his attention. But I'm gripped even tighter by my kidnapper and rushed into the truck. He quickly drives away and as I look around, I'm not familiar with the area at all. I have no idea where we are or where we're going. I know nothing about nothing. I don't even know if I can survive or if I want to..

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