Guardianship Discussion

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"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that," Spinner says. "Randall doesn't care, and is too focused on his young wife and son to worry about Clare. Even when Omar told him she was so sick. Jake has emergency custody all this week, and Omar was going to see about Jake getting permanent custody. But he's only 18, and I know we are young, but I was wondering how you would feel about taking custody of Clare in September so Jake can go away to school?" Spinner asks, and tries to gage Emma's reaction.

"Well, I do love Clare, but wait," Emma says, and looks up at Jake again. "Jake how do you feel about everything?" she asks.

"To be honest, I've barely processed all of this. I hate my father, and now I despise Clare's parents for how they have absolutely no feeling for her, or her well-being. Right now I really miss my mom," he says. "She would be rolling over in her grave to know that my father could do this to me, or to Clare who we've known since she was about 6," he pauses a moment and appears to be thinking about Spinner and Emma's offer. "Thank you both for such a kind gesture, and I appreciate it wholeheartedly, but she's my little sister. I think it's my responsibility to take care of her now," Jake finishes, but I can see the apprehension in his eyes even as he says it.

"I hope I'm not over-stepping here, but Jake, maybe it might be good to think about all your options, including the one Spinner and Emma made before you make a final decision. I mean you have all week, I think, so why don't you sleep on it, and talk to Omar, and everyone tomorrow or Tuesday, and see what feels right. Today's been a long day, and Clare's supposed to be awake tomorrow. I'm sure she'd like to have an opinion in this decision affecting her life," I remind Jake.

"Thanks Owen," he says with a smile at me, before turning toward Spinner and Emma again. "Would it be alright with you both if I took some time to think about this a bit?"

"Of course Jake, we just want to give you an option when it comes to the future," Spinner tells him, as Emma takes Jake's hand in hers. The door is then pushed open and two orderlies push in a role away cot, which will be for Jake. Once its set up they both leave again.

"Well, that's the cot Doctor Evan's sent up for you Jake. And I hope you don't mind but I gave Owen permission to stay tonight when he asked me, so we're going to head home. I have work again tomorrow morning, so I'll need some rest, but please don't hesitate to call if Clare or either of you need us or something changes," Emma remarks with a smile. She then gets up, Jake stands also, and she gives him a hug and kisses his cheek. "Remember you're both family to us now," she reminds him before she lets go and approaches Clare and I. I see Jake and Spinner shake hands. Emma walks right up to me, and we hug as best we can, and we kiss each other on the cheek, and then she pushes some of Clare's hair out of her face that's fallen down and kisses her cheek as well. "You'll always be my little sister," she whispers in Clare's ear, but it was still loud enough for me to hear.

Emma then takes a few steps back, and Spinner approaches. We shake hands, "you're family now too. No matter what happens between you and Clare, but I can see how much you care about her, and I'm guessing love her. If you need anything let us know. Same goes for Bianca and Drew," he tells me, and I'm shocked. Many of us have only known each other less than a day, but we've become that close that quickly. He then let's go and leans down kissing Clare's cheek, before he steps back, and puts his arm around Emma.

"Thank you both," I call once I'm able to speak past the shock, and they smile at us all before they leave for the night. Jake sits back down in his chair, and we're both silent for what feels like an hour, but is probably only a few minutes.

"Do you know what you might do?" I question him after a while, mostly just to break the silence we've been in.

"She's my little sister Owen, I love her, and technically I'm the only family she has left and after what her parents and even my dad did abandoning her. I feel like it's my responsibility to take on custody and be the adult in the situation now," he says in a sort of sad tone.

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