19~Hide and seek~19

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Kinda based off the episode

Edd, Tom and Kenzie were sitting on the couch watching TV, well more likely Tom and Edd were since Kenzie was just reading her book. Matt appeared behind them with a wide grin.

"Guys, let's play hide and seek!" Matt said happily as the three looked up at him.

"Yeah!" Edd, Tom and Kenzie said in unison grinning.

"I'll hide first!" Matt said and ran off to go and hide.

"Okay!" They replied in unison again watching Matt run off once Matt turned the corner they sat of the couch again going back to what they were doing before.

"So how long should we let him hide for?" Kenzie asked.

"Ugh, let's give it till dinner." Tom shrugged.

"Alright." Kenzie hummed looking back at her book leaning back.

"Now back to professor why." The TV said as it played the show, so Tom and Edd went back to watching it.

-Meanwhile with Matt-

Matt was running in circles trying to figure out a good place to hide.

"Where should I hide?" Matt said repeatedly as he continued to run in circles. He soon found a box which was way to small for him. "Too small." Matt mumbled thinking some more. Then ran outside finding a much larger box. "Too big!" He frowned crossing his arms. Then he also found another to small box while a man stabbed a cardboard cutout of Matt.  Matt walked around some more into he found the fridge deciding to hide there.


Edd and Tom were still watching TV as Kenzie was now writing in her journal.

"Oh no Professor Why, the gaxaxian drive is going to explode!" The actor on the TV said.

"Don't worry I just fixed it with my wrench which is magical." The other actor said as Tom and Edd frowned rolling their eyes.

"This show is stupid,  like a magical wrench, when did he get that?" Kenzie said closing her journal and set it down beside her.

"It's not that terrible."Edd said as Kenzie leaned against Tom yawning. 

"I going to take a nap." She mumbled closing her eyes.

"Alright." Tom said grabbing a blanket and wrapped it around them both as Kenzie slowly fell asleep. While that happened Matt started to imagine he was in a frozen wonderland due to him being in the fridge for too long.

"Ahh, the perfect hiding place!" Matt said seeing a giant mushroom and walked under it seeing little food creatures. "Hello my friends!" He hummed sitting down.

"Run for your loaf!" A burger yelled in a panic as the food creatures ran away screaming,  a cupcake ran by Matt, who picked the little cupcake up and rose a brow confused.

"Why are you running,  little buddy?" Matt asked.

"It's the Burritoranosaurus, run!" The cupcake yelled and jumped out of Matt's hold running off as fast as he could.

"The Burritoranosaurus?" Matt gulped in fear, as suddenly as the mushroom he was hiding under was picked up by the Burritoranosaurus and got eaten by it. The Burritoranosaurus let out a loud roar as Matt looked at it in surprise.

"That's quite a mouthful." Matt mumbled dramatically.

-With Tom, Edd and Kenzie-

Kenzie was fast asleep and the two boys continued to watch the show annoyed.

"Professor Why, this planet is going to crash, what we'll we do?" The actor on the TV asked.

"Don't worry we'll just escape in my space box, which is magical." The other actor or Professor Why, said causing Edd and Tom to frown even more.


"No, Professor Why, you've been brutally murdered!" The actor gasped in surprise.

"Oh, don't worry, my body is magical." Professor Why said, and Tom and Edd groaned in annoyance.

"Wait, are you being serious?" The first actor questioned.

-Meanwhile with Matt-

The Burritoranosaurus fell to the ground dieing as Matt appear out of it cheering happily.

"The prophecy is true, you have returned to save us all!" A pumpkin(?) said appearing next to Matt smiling. The food creatures cheered happily knowing they were safe.

-Meanwhile with Tom, Edd and Kenzie-

Kenzie had woken up from her nap laying face down know the couch as Edd and Tom had slid down to the flow annoyed with the show.

"Yah, this show sucks." Tom groaned turning the TV off. "You wanna drink?" He asked looking at Edd and Kenzie.

"Tea, I still have some fresh in my kettle." Kenzie said turning her head to look at him.

"Cola!" Edd grinned raising his hands in the air.

"Of course." Tom said getting up and walked to the kitchen, he grabbed a mug for Kenzie and poured her tea in it then went to the fridge and opened it to find Matt shivering holding a half eaten burrito. Tom stared at him in surprise for a moment before grabbing Edd's Cola and closed the fridge door walking away back to the kitchen. He handed Kenzie her tea and Edd his Cola. Edd opened his Cola sipping him with a small smile.

"Thanks." Edd said.

"Merci." Kenzie said kissing Tom's cheek and sipped her drink.

"Your welcome." Tom said sitting down on the couch. "Also Matt's in the fridge again." He said as Kenzie spat out her drink sighing she handed her mug to Tom and got up.

"I'll handle him." Kenzie sighed and walked to the kitchen opening the fridge and pulled Matt out and took him to the living room wrapping him with a blanket. "That's enough hide and seek for today." She said as Matt shivered clinging the blanket.

"Couldn't you let him stay a little longer in the fridge?" Edd mumbled looking at Kenzie.

"And risk him getting sick?" Kenzie said crossing her arms. "I'm not letting him stay in the fridge any longer." She said. "So we're having chicken soup tonight boys!" She said walking into the kitchen humming.

"Yum." Tom shrugged.

The end... next up is PowerEdd! Then after that is The end 1 and 2!!!

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