21~The End 1&2~21

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Kinda based off the episode I'm so happy that this book reached this far, I'll will still be continuing this story since I plan for it to lead into TBOTF comic and a rp I'm doing with murderousCuddlebug who oc Bee is in here, but it's mostly based off the rp, since I like where it's leading better then the comic so, let's begin!

After a nice fishing trip, well it wasn't exactly nice since Tom got them banned from the lake due to he brought a harpoon and some how harpoon ed a whale which they were pulling by a rope attached to the car. Kenzie and Matt were sitting in the back, and Tom and Edd were in the front. Kenzie had a tackle box on her lap as Matt held a fish bowl with two fish swimming in it. Matt and Kenzie watched the blue fish get eaten by the big orange one, which ended up exploding, since the blue one turned out to be a puffer fish, of some kind.

"Guys, Sir swims-a-lot exploded!" Matt said frowning and Edd rolled his eyes slightly as he drove the car. "Can we go fishing?" He asked.

"But Matt, we were just finishing a while ago." Kenzie stated with a frown.

"Yeah, and we kind of get banned from ever going there again." Edd added glaring at Tom.

"Why?" Matt asked.

"Because Tom had to bring his stupid harpoon gun to it and harpoon a whale!" Edd replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Im still trying to understand why there was a whale in a fishing lake." Kenzie mumbled. "Especially one that's freshwater."

"Hey, that gigantic harpoon gun is an important member of this family." Tom frowned as he glanced over at the group.

"You sold the sofa to buy it!" Edd yelled.

"I'll harpoon us a new one!" Tom yelled back.

"I'll harpoon you a new one." Edd mumbled under his breath annoyed.

"Well that sofa was getting pretty old anyways." Kenzie said looking at Edd.

"Oh, don't try to defend your boyfriend Kenzie, I know your still mad about the sofa." Edd said.

"How do you know that?" Kenzie said crossing her arms.

"I read your journal." Edd responded.

"What!" Kenzie yelled.

"Well you are terrible at hiding it, you kinda just left it sitting out." Matt said shrugging.

"Stop reading my journal!" Kenzie growled frowning.

"Sorry, but it is fun to read." Tom chuckled as Edd parked the car in front of the house. They all got out and Tom grabbed his extra harpoon from the back as Edd and Matt headed inside.  Kenzie stared at the whale that they brought for a moment.

"So what exactly are we going to do with the whale babe?" Kenzie asked looking at Tom.

"Ugh, I'm sure we'll find use for it." Tom replied with a shrug and walked inside. Kenzie looked over at the neighbors house seeing Bee, Eduardo, Jon and Mark staring at the whale in surprise and confusion.  Kenzie simple smiled nervously and waved at them walking inside quickly. She saw that Edd was in the kitchen getting Cola and Matt was on the couch eating a cookie, while Tom walked down the hall to his room humming a little tune. He heard someone playing with his lock on his door, seeing a dark figure in the shadows and dropped his harpoons, all expect one which he pointed at the intruder.

"Who goes there?" Tom growled as the figure look at him and walked over to him as Tord stepped out of the shadows. Tom gasped dropping his harpoon in surprise

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