22~Final chapter?~22

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Hey everyone this is the final chapter of the book, I want to thank murderousCuddlebug for letting me use her Oc for this book and everyone who been reading the book as well! So I hope you enjoy this chapter!

It's been over a month since the robot accident, and things have changed.  Edd well has a hard time trusting people now and is slightly depressed but he's working it out. Matt is a little afraid of people touching him, but he is starting to get used to simply should touches and pats on the back. Tom didn't change much but he's now more protective of his friends and girlfriend Kenzie, who has a hard time sleeping now due to her having terrible nightmares of the accident. The neighbors well they don't talk much to Edd or them at all, thankfully they found a place to live. 

Kenzie walked in the house dressed in black along with Tom. They got back from both Bee and Jon's funeral,  feeling bad about their deaths. Kenzie rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Can we cuddle now?" Kenzie mumbled looking at Tom who chuckled and picked her up.

"Yes, we can." Tom replied and went to their room laying on the bed with her and kept his arms wrapped around her. "I love you." He hummed and kissed her cheek before nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck.

"I love you too." Kenzie smiled and took her glasses off and set them on the night stand. "Do you think Tord really dead?" 

"Of course he is, I shoot him with that harpoon gun, we all  saw it blow up!" Tom frowned pulling his face away from her neck. "You need to stop worrying about it, he's gone for good."

"Yeah, sorry it's just hard to forget." Kenzie sighed looking down.

"I know, but you need to move on from this." Tom sighed lifting her chin so she would look at him. "Kenzie I love you so much, and I hate seeing you like this, if I have to bring a picture of proof Tord is dead, I will."

"Your right Tom, I shouldn't worry to much about it, thanks babe." Kenzie smiled and kissed him on the lips feeling him kiss back. They stayed like that for a minute before pulling away smiling like idiots.

"Night hun." Tom chuckled and nuzzled his face in the crook of her neck again. Kenzie chuckled and pulled the covers over them both and gently pet his head.

"Night Tommy." Kenzie replied before the both fell asleep.


Tord puffed his cigar looking at his finished creation.  He held up the smiling Masketøs mask and chuckled. He stood up and walked over to someone who was tied to a chair looking at him in fear.

"Please don't hurt me." They whimpered.

"Oh I won't,  besides you won't feel a thing or remember a thing as well." Tord laughed.

"Wait wha-" they were cut off when Tord shoved the mask onto their face, the twitched slightly before staying still.

"HeLLo rEd LEadEr." They spoke in a robot like tone making Tord grin. He untied the person and handed them more masks.

"I want you to put these on the prisoners." Tord stated and the Masketøs soldier nodded walking away. Tord smirked and walked over to his work table which was covered in plans, blue prints and even the destroy photo of him and the gang. He smirked at it. "I'm coming for you old friends."

The end

Of a new beginning. ...

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