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Mew was sick with this French college he had. They were supposed to work on a project together but that guy was trying to exclude all of Mew's thoughts and just include his. He was feeling worried about Gulf might understood the situation wrong. Because after thinking deeply Mew realized that he had interest in this boy but he also knew that it was against the rules to be in a relationship with your students. But here he was, still considering Gulf's thoughts even if he just saw him with arguing with a guy not even doing another things. He laughed at his pitiful situation. Being around to Gulf was surely be enough for him right now so he was looking forward to his counseling time. He especially gave Gulf 3 days while other students had only 2. "If it is being selfish then i am selfish. I don't care." he thought in his mind. And he looked forward to Monday to be with him alone for one hour. He already found what he was going to give as an assignment but he also wanted to have Gulf's ideas too. He was being so generous now that even he was surprised.
He went to his office with these thoughts on his mind only to find the Gulf sitting in front of his door completely looking like he was dead inside, with puffed eyes and messed hair. Gulf was looking to the ground, zonning out. Mew slowly got closer and crouch down and only said "Hey" gently.
Gulf looked up to see the owner of this vanilla like voice even if he knew whom it had belong to. Smiled weakly to his professor and said "Hey, I guess i was early." Mew hold the boy's hand and make him stand up as he stood up. "I was late." he said while opening the door.
They went inside and Gulf this time know where to sit and sat on it even before his teacher say anything. But Mew choose to sit in front of Gulf instead of his own chair.
Gulf just looked at Mew's eyes trying to figure out what his teacher was thinking.
"What happened? Why are you looking like this, i didn't even give the assignment yet." said Mew while his hand he reached to caress Gulf's cheek, when Mew touched it Gulf closed his eyes and leaned his head to the big hand of his professor which is trying to make him feel better. It was Gulf's way to say thank you, even though Mew was startled by this act of young boy he didn't take his hand back. Gulf stayed like that for a while and then Gulf's hand also cared Mew's hand gently, he hold the hand and remove it slowly. He didn't stop holding it and when their hands fell to Gulf's lap together "It was enough to remove all the pain, thank you." said Gulf.
"So you are going to be stubborn and tell me nothing even when you used me to feel better." said Mew while smiling at Gulf. Mew was teasing him and hoping that he will open up or just cheer up a bit more too.
"If i start to tell i don't think thay i can hold my tears but you already know some of it. It's the same reason that i didn't give my assignment on time." He said with a weak smile.
Mew got so angry with Gulf's dad that he could even go to him now and tell him how great his son was and didn't deserve to be treated like this. He calmed himself squeezed Gulf's hand "I read your essay, it was one of the best essays that i've ever recieved from a student. I know that i'm not a teacher for a long time but i still gave this assignment to all of my classes and i can clearly say that yours was my favorite. Does your dad know that you are this good? Is he aware that you were born to study this department? Does he know your grades?" said Mew and now Gulf started to cry, "I don't know why i am always crying when i'm with you professor. I can't even stop it even when i'm assulted about it." said Gulf and Mew frowned in anger. "Who said assulted you!?" Mew was half shouting. Gulf's eyes widened because he didn't want to say that it jusy slipped out of his tongue. He pulled his hand inside of Mew's and slapped his mouth with his hand "I wasn't suppose to say that, gosh can you just forget about it Professor?" he said.
Mew shook his head as a no and said "Tell me or i have to find him with my ways, and i'm sure you wouldn't want that."
Gulf suddenly hold both of his professor's hands and looked at his eyes with plea. "Please don't say anything or do anything he will make my life more hard if you do that. Kao and his friends are bullying me ever since i started this university..." he was now crying like crazily and wasn't even taking a breath while speaking "...but i'm used to it, when i fight back they do more so i can endure it, it's my last year so please don't do anything, i'm begging you. I-" Gulf's words were cut off when Mew pulled Gulf and make him sat on his lap and hugged his waist tightly. Now Gulf's legs was around Mew's waist and he also hugged his professor tightly and started to cry even more hard.
Mew started to pat Gulf's back and said "Shh, stop crying. Everything's going to be okay. I'll be by your side." which made Gulf tighten his hug. They both forgot they were teacher and student at this point. They heart beated the same, and felt the same. They both were sure about their feelings right now.
Gulf buried his face to Mew's neck and slowly stopped crying. Mew said "Just like that, good boy." while he was still patting his back.

Hey everybody! I guess this is the first time i'm leaving a note. Thank you for reading this story. I'm open for any comment.
I just wanted to upload 2 chapters today because of me liking little details makes this story go slower. Since we are in quarantine days i have a lot of free time so i'll upload it more.
Please don't forget to vote if you like it.
And i'd be so happy if you share it.
I'll have NC or nsfw scenes too so i wanted to give you a warning ahead before this story escalates. In fact i also don't know what is going to happen in next chapter too. I'm just going with my emotions. Thank yiu for reading again.💕
Take good care of yourself.

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