Chapter Three

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Jenna munched on an apple as she laid in her bed. She had decided to change her major. After she had fainted in her phlebotomy class, her advisor said it would be for the best if she switched. Sara was an education major and so Jenna had picked her brain about her major. She had always been good with words and loved to write so she decided to become an English teaching major. Sara was overjoyed to have someone to commiserate with.

Jenna told her parents via phone and they were completely supportive of her decision. She was glad. Her mother had previously tried to talk her out of the nursing program because she knew her daughter's severe aversion to blood would be her downfall. At least she only wasted a semester and not several years.

INeedToRun: I changed my major today. I'm now an English education major!

She was excited to share this with her friend. They had talked quite a bit and she felt she could safely consider him a friend. She wasn't sure how he would feel about that title being given to him but oh well!

It was still mid-morning in Korea, but she didn't really expect a response. When she got one, she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

A4D: Oh yeah? Maybe you can come here and be my personal English teacher! ㅋㅋㅋ

Jenna read his message and blushed. She knew he didn't mean anything by it. Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she responded.

INeedToRun: Maybe someday I'll come there to teach! If you're still in need of an English tutor maybe I can help you out! Haha!

A4D: Okay! You're hired! ㅋㅋㅋ I've been wondering something.

INeedToRun: What?

A4D: Why is your profile picture generic?

INeedToRun: I never thought about changing it. I always look derpy in pictures. (>_<)

A4D: Surely not.

INeedToRun: You have no idea. I'm just your run-of-the-mill American girl. Trust me.

A4D: I'll take your word for it. ㅋㅋㅋ

INeedToRun: What about yours? It's a picture of an alien!

A4D: Are you making fun of me? I'll have you know, all the ladies love my greenish color.

INeedToRun: Hahaha! Oh wow. Okay, goodnight friend.

* * *

Taehyung's fingers paused over the screen. She had called him "friend." He was digging this hole deeper and deeper. He sighed.

A4D: Goodnight.

* * *

Jenna and Sara sat munching on popcorn. They were marathoning a K-Drama again. This time it was a romantic thriller. Jenna loved this drama in spite of a few plot holes, especially the mystery and the suspense.

"Seriously, how long is he going to keep his identity a secret?" Sara spoke around a mouth full of popcorn.

"I don't know. It's kind of sweet how he is watching out for her and she has no clue. But I seriously think he needs to come clean." Jenna nodded her head, agreeing with her own statement. The male lead was lying to protect the female lead. It wasn't the lying that bothered her though. She really found it sweet that he would do that for someone he loved. However, she hated the fact they could not fully express themselves to each other because of this giant secret.

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