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The funny thing about life is that it never goes exactly how one plans it to go. It has a way of taking your plans and twisting them into something very different from what you originally inded.

Having nurtured their long-distance relationship for almost four years, Jenna and Taehyung are finally faced with the welcome possibility of actually living in the same hemisphere.

Will their relationship be able to withstand all of the challenges facing them?

From blackmail to threats, Jenna and Taehyung are going to have to decide if they can accept the reality of their future not being exactly what they imagined it.

Because when it comes down to the nitty gritty, no loving relationship is ever very easy.

Especially when one party is keeping secrets.

AN: I'm working on Seoulmates right now so stay tuned! 💜
Thank you for reading! This was my first story ever and it will always have a special place in my heart. Thanks for taking time to read my first literary "baby". 💜

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