Chapter Nineteen

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Taehyung played with the ring on his middle finger of his left hand. He smiled as he spun it around his finger. He and Jenna had been talking for around three years now and they had never been on an official date. They had never even kissed each other more than twice. Their story was a pretty amazing one.

Not everyone would agree that long distance relationships work, and for most people they probably wouldn't, but both Taehyung and Jenna were very loyal people. Once they found that special someone, they were most likely never going to let them go for any reason, even if they were separated by several thousand miles.

He looked up as the hair and makeup artist, Soohyun, appeared behind him.

"Taehyung-ssi, are you ready?" She smiled, and he nodded.

Soohyun began to work on his makeup. He never needed much, but she was a very detail-oriented person and it always took a little bit for her to finish. He closed his eyes and tried to relax.

"Did you get a new ring? It's very pretty."

Taehyung's eyes bolted open and met hers in the mirror. She must have seen him playing with it. He tried to not panic and played it off as best he could. He had done his best to prepare for moments like these, because they were destined to come.

"This? I've had it a while, but I lost it. Just found it the other day." He smiled and closed his eyes again as she went back to working on his makeup.

"Ahh. Well, it's nice all the same, but you always did have good taste with accessories." Soohyun giggled and put her brushes and products away. She pulled out a comb, small flat iron and hair spray and began to play with his hair, trying to get it just right for their fan meeting in a little while.

Taehyung tried to relax again and not freak out. It wasn't like she said it looked like a couple's ring or anything; she had simply noticed it. He sat still and kept his eyes closed, lest they betray him altogether. They were alone, and the silence of the room was starting to grate on him.

He still felt Soohyun's hands in his hair, though she should be about done. She was taking longer than usual, and it certainly didn't feel like she was just fixing his hair. His eyes opened once again, and he saw the startled staff member meeting his gaze in the mirror.

"I'm sorry, it was just exceptionally soft today. I couldn't resist it." She laughed and tried to brush off his apparent concern.

Soohyun had been with the company for about three years and Taehyung's stylist for the last two. She was the one who did his hair and makeup for most every schedule. She was slightly older than him and single, but he trusted her, as did his company. However, things were starting to get a bit strange between them.

Everything had been strictly business up until a few months ago. She started talking to him more when he was in her chair and would keep her hands on him a little longer than usual, just like she had with his hair. She would also pay him odd compliments at random times. He was starting to feel uncomfortable with her because he was used to a stylist doing their job and getting out of his way, but this one seemed to be taking advantage of her position.

"Let's just get finished up, please? I need to use the restroom." He browsed through fan tweets for a while, trying to endure it.

Soohyun slowly finished, and Taehyung was quite antsy by the time she removed her hands from his head.

He stood up quickly and shot her a sour look.

"Thanks," he mumbled as he strode out of the room. He couldn't get away from her quick enough.

"Whoa, Taehyung-ah, where's the fire?" Hoseok bumped into him as he sped out of the dressing room.

"Sorry, hyung. Just trying to get away from that stylist of mine. Doesn't she work on you too?" He questioned the older member as they walked down to the lounge for some snacks and water.

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