Fun Things To Do With Your Stuffies/Toys

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Here are a list of thing for regressors to do with their stuffies and toys inside your house and in your yard;

🧸 watch a movies together
🧸 have a tea party
🧸 build a pillow/blanket fort
🧸 take a nap
🧸 tell each other secrets
🧸 learn new things together
🧸 read and write stories
🧸 play dress-up
🧸 color and make art
🍯 climb a tree together
🍯 have a picnic
🍯 look for treasure
🍯 play pretend
🍯 star gazing
🍯 cloud watching
🍯 play in dirt/mud
🍯 pick some flowers
🍯 look for cool bugs

add more in the comments if you'd like!!

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