cglre/agere vs.. cgl

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this information comes from: babithigh on instagram

🧸 CGLRE & AGERE stand for:
**Caregiver/Little Regressor & Age Regression**

What is cglre & agere???

Well for starters they're a place where regressors and carers a like can come together in a completely sfw, welcoming environment! They nurture and care for eachother, in a nonsexual way! Mainly by guidance, love and affection! Cglre and Agere allow anyone of any age to regress safely!

Cgl on the other hand is an umbrella term for nsfw. This is not a safeplace for minors or any sfw regressors. It is sadly sexualized, and they frown upon many regressors such as ourselves. Age play tends to fall into this category and so on and so fourth.

While the two communities share terms, they give them different definitions because of the context. Cgl littles are the submissive one in the dynamic, as they give consensual power to their dominant counterpart all in an nsfw context. Cgl caregivers are that dominant counterpart. Cgl littles may refer to this submissive headspace as their little space, which is in an nsfw context. Regression littles, on the other hand, may use these same terms but in a sfw context and give it sfw definitions.

Terms include:
🧸 Little/Regressor - a person who finds comfort and or enjoy in acting like a child, usually to help cope with trauma or stress.

🍼 Caregiver - a nurturing  figure to the little, who helps them stay safe and grow as a person while in little space, usually someone highly trusted by the regressor.

🧸 Pet Regressor - someone who tends to have animal-like behavior as a coping mechanism and will often have an giver.

🍼 Pet Giver - someone who nutures a pet much like how a caregiver nutures a little.

Also important: A submissive (nsfw) headpace is NOT a regressed headspace, nor is it age dreaming.

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