chapter 10

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Waking up in her room was a surprise for Elizabeth. One moment she was having sister bonding time with Jane and the other she was back on her bed, naked and bundled up next to William darcy.

Somehow she always found herself ending up in his arms. The man was attractive she had to give it to him, but they had possibly the worst compatibility ever. But then again she could not stop herself to giving herself up to to the the arrogant douche.

It annoyed her even more that she had missed on her date with George. Tumbling out of her bed she headed straight for the bathroom, only God knew how desperately she needed a shower, not only to get rid of all the stench but also to clear her mind.

After spending thirty minutes under the warm water, berating herself and wondering how she would be kicking out William Darcy from her bed and her house, she came out to find him already gone.

She felt a slight pang of disappointment but quickly shrugged it off. Quickly changing into her comfiest clothes, she began working on her morning dose of caffeine.

A ring on her door, however made her jump in her boots

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A ring on her door, however made her jump in her boots. Wondering who it could be she opened the door to find  and she couldn't help but feel mortified by the way she stood him up last night.

She smiled sheepishly up at him before moving aside to let him in.

" are you ?" George asked her smiling as he took a seat on the living room couch.

"Before you say anything, I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to stand you up last night. It's just that I got over with this really complicated case and me and Jane decided to celebrate with drinks and then one thing led to another and I ended up all drunk and useless..." Lizzie blurted out quickly taking a seat in front of her visitor.

"It's okay," he chuckled "been a while since I was stood up on a date. But it's good to know that it wasn't intentional, and since that's now over and done with how would you like to go on that date tonight?"

Lizzie smiled and immediately nodded. Something about him made her feel all girlish and naive like, yet she was still to figure out whether she liked it or not.

"Would you like some coffee?" She asked as she headed to her kitchen again.

"Definitely." He smiled at her once again making her heart swoon all over at the sight.

As she turned to grab a few cups of the shelf, she heard another doorbell ring.
"Let me get it for you." She faintly heard George as he moved towards the door.

So she got back to her work and quickly grabbed two cups of coffee, as she moved to check up on her second visitor of the day, only to stop dead in her tracks.

There stood in all his glory, none other than William Darcy, dressed in his clothes from last night holding a bag of her favourite breakfast items and  coffee, and beside him George Wickham her date whom she had stood up to sleep with the former.

However, they were not paying any attention to her, the air around them was different and familiar.

"Hello, Darcy." George was the first one to break the silence as he closed the door and moved back to couch, taking his place.

But William refused to move. He just stared at him and she could swear she had never seen him look at someone with such a hard gaze before, she could feel the anger radiating off of him. Finally he looked up at her and his emotions changed. He no longer carried that hard gaze but still there was a degree of intensity in her eyes that she couldn't quite pin point.

Shaking his head, he kept the parcels of food on her coffee table and turned around to leave without saying another word.

As the door closed behind William, Lizzie was brought back from her thoughts as she moved to take a seat on the couch next to George, feeling all the more awkward and uncomfortable.

"Since when have you known William Darcy?" George asked her as he took a mug of coffee off her hands, making himself truly comfortable.

"Ummmm he's an acquaintance we met at a party and his best friend is dating my sister, so we keep on meeting often." She answered still puzzled by what had just transpired.

"Well acquaintances don't just bring you breakfast in the morning..." His words made her remember last night and today's morning but she refused to ponder on it.

"We are complicated, there's nothing more to it. But it seemed like you two knew each other especially like the way you greeted him." She looked at him with questioning eyes.

"That's a conversation for another time." Smiling up at Lizzie once again, he kept his cup down and got up to leave before stopping and turning around.

"You won't mind if I take one of those croissants would you?"

Lizzie shook her head into a negative, and just like that she was left alone with her thoughts and a shit load of weight on her shoulders.

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