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hi guys ówó its still mói and finaLLY i decided to post another book ;-;

this book is filled with one shots about ALL the idv characters, hunter and survivor hehe

basically, its filled with different ships since im a multi-shipper, but some one shots wont be romantic or of any sort

it could range from comedy, drama, slice of life, romance (both fluff and smut), angst, and even horror - òvó - aNd so much more

i accept requests, but i cant guarantee i could update regularly since my schedule's still sorta packed

anyways, hope u guys enjoy!

p.s pls support my dear friend My_HearTae in her JosCarl one shots, and just know that there are chances my stories that are JosCarl could end up in her book too uwu

take care and stay safe always~!

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