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Note: this story is also available in My_HearTae's acc; JosCarl Oneshots


"The flowers need more tending today." Wiping the beads of sweat that had managed to trickle down the side of his cheek under the hot, blazing sun, Aesop sighed while carressing the petals of the vibrant turnips that were neatly arranged in rows.

He grabbed the water sprinkler that was a few inches away from him, nourishing the plants with water to aid them from the hot temperature.

"Aesop! Can you please flip the shop's sign to 'open'? Its already twelve minutes past 8!" A voice from the small office rang out, and the silver-head looked up at the flowery wall clock to verify if the woman was right. Indeed, it was time for the flower shop to open.

"Ah, right." He mutttered, doing what Emma had told him to do. He squinted his eyes as the sunlight attacked his gentle face, blocking his sight. "It sure is bright today."

After a few hours, past 2 pm, a sudden entry surprised the two people who were currently arranging a new pile of flowers that had arrived only ten minutes ago. "H-How may we help you, sir?" Aesop stood up from his crouching position, obviously stuttering due to surprise. He walked to the counter and looked at the man still standing by the door, bending down as he tried to catch his breath.

He was obviously running.

Aesop nearly had a heart attack when all of a sudden, the man bolted towards the counter and slammed a thick amount of money onto the metal surface. "How do I passive-aggressively say fuck you in flower?!"

Emma's jaw dropped and her ears rang upon hearing their costumer's request. She looked at the counter where Aesop and the man stood, the former's shoulders raised and his eyes wide due to the request. Her attention then moved to the costumer, who had long, vibrant, white hair that was tied together using a yellow bow. It reached halfway of his back, and he wore a turtleneck under a brown, leather coat.

His face was outrageously red from all the running under the heat of the sun, and Emma met Aesop's wide eyes. She nodded, signaling him to give him what he wanted.

After a few silent moments, Aesop cleared his throat, "Please wait for a moment, sir, while I go around and get what you need."

He left the counter and started to search for flowers that could portray such message, and the man only blinked as he breathed heavily. 'So flowers could really be used to say such..?' He thought, since he was expecting that they would decline and say they don't know what he's trying to imply.

After a few minutes, Aesop returned with a bunch of flowers that he had managed to arrange into a neat and large bouquet. It looked so innocent, people would think it was all for display. Little did they know, it hid a message for someone.

"Here we have a bouquet of geraniums for stupidity, foxglove for insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, yellow carnations to say 'you have disappointed me' and orange lilies for hatred." Aesop rambled, causing Emma to giggle from the back of the shop as she listened to everything he said. She has taught him well.

On the other hand, the man's lips upturned into a smile. "Wow-"

"Aside from it being striking, its really full of loathing, sir." Aesop gently smiled. "Would you like to buy-"

"I'LL HAVE ALL OF THEM, PLEASE, AND IN A BOX WITH A TAG SAYING 'FUCK YOU' WITH A HAPPY FACE." He requested swiftly, adding more to the thick pile of cash that he slammed onto the counter earlier.

Aesop was in complete shock. It seems that they've hit the jackpot. "O-Of course, sir."

After preparing everything, the man portrayed his gratitude with a smile, and before he walked out the door, he turned one last time to look at Aesop, meeting his grey, doll-like eyes. And with a sly smirk, he said, "The name's Joseph, by the way. I'll come back later, and by then, I'm hoping you'll have dinner with me... As a sign of thanks." He grinned. "Until then, Aesop!"

With that, he closed the shop's door, carrying the big box that contained the loathful flowers. Aesop blinked repeatedly as his cheeks flushed pink. "H-How does he know my name..?"


Joseph's smile never left his lips as he remembered the silver-head back at the flower shop, and he was glad he took notice of the boy's nametag before he could leave the shop. This time, he wasn't going to back down.

Shaking the thought off, his smile dropped as he gritted his teeth. "Right, I still have to give these to that cheating, unloyal bastard." Joseph spat, looking at the box he held.

"Hmm, let me add something in the card."


"Xie! There's a package delivery for you!"

A man with a neatly slicked back hair looked towards the hallway, hearing his brother's voice by the main door. He closed his record book and heaved a sigh. "Take it in, please."

Carrying a big, rectangular box, a man looking identically alike walked towards Xie, placing the box on the big table.

"Fan, of all the places, why the table?" Xie grumbled, dismissing his brother and moving on to opening the box. It was a huge bouquet of flowers and on the corner lay a small card.

'Roses are red, violets are blue.
I have five fingers, and the middle one's for you.

Fuck you :))

P.S these flowers will die soon, so I'm wishing you would, too, stupid, unloyal, motherfucking cheater.


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