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"Is everything ready?"

As the zippers of the luggage were closed, a man with a small ponytail and silver hair walks in, fixing his gloves and adjusting his collar. By the bed, a man turns to the person by the doorway, flashing him a pained smile.

"Do you really have to go, Aesop?" The man pouts, trying to plead his lover to stay and cancel his trip to another town. "I-I'll be lonely here.. and the Wu Brothers are going out of town, too."

The man, identified as Aesop Carl, walked towards him, embracing the man tightly. "Oh, Joseph. You know how I really hate going on trips, but this one's going to be a big shot and could boost my career." He explains slowly, hoping to persuade the man into letting him take this trip.

Joseph purses his beautiful lips and nuzzles into Aesop's chest, taking in the other's scent. "Fine..." He looks up to flash a strained smile at Aesop, and the man only chuckles.

He leans down, catching Joseph's lips by surprise and slipping his tongue inside immediately. "Mmh..." Joseph, surprised, clings his arms around Aesop's neck as the man above him gently pushed him down the bed. Their tongues wrestled as the atmosphere turned heated in seconds, the bed creaking below them as they continued their session.

Joseph pushes Aesop away, catching his breath as he speaks. "Your... trip, Aesop..." He pants. "You might miss... the train.."

The silver head raises a brow, smirking. "I thought you wanted me to stay."

"W-Well..." Joseph looks away, his cheeks turning into a bright shade of pink whille his fingers played with Aesop's hair. Silence overtakes them, and Aesop gets off of the man. "Well, I guess I'll be off then-"

"Wait no!!" Joseph abruptly gets up and pushes Aesop down, leading Joseph to be sitting on top of Aesop's crotch area. Aesop was surprised at the sudden move, and he could feel his groin touch Joseph's center. "Just one round, th-then?" He shyly asks, meeting stares with Aesop and locking their gazes.

Aesop chuckles, slipping down his slacks and letting his now hard buddy spring out. Joseph lets out a shaky breath, glancing at Aesop. "Strip for me, Joseph."

The man on top bites his bottom lip as he undresses himself, causing Aesop to shift on his place while looking at Joseph with lusftul eyes. Noticing someone's stares boring holes into his frame, Joseph looks at Aesop. "Aren't you taking your clothes off, too? What if it gets dirty-"

"Shh. Forget my clothes. I want to see your beautiful body once more before I go." He says, positioning his dick onto Joseph's swollen hole. Without warning, Aesop pushed Joseph down, causing the latter to yelp as it hit his deepest parts right away. "Nghh, A-Aesop, wait... Agh~!"

The silver head didn't wait for any adjustments, and his iron grip around Joseph's thighs told the boy to keep going, not leaving any second to waste. "Ah... Mmh~" Joseph moaned out, arching his back while Aesop rubbed his member, giving Joseph more stimulation.

He bounces up and down, tightening around Aesop's dick as their moans synchronizes and their sweaty bodies rub against one another. The bed creaks louder this time, and Aesop squeezed Joseph's tip, teasing the man.

"S-Stop~! I'm about to..!" He complains, moaning louder and louder with every thrust while Aesop lowly groaned, biting his lip as he neared his high, too. "H-HaH!! Aesop!!" Joseph shouts out, releasing sticky liquid onto Aesop, the man cumming inside of his lover after a few more thrusts.

Resting on top of Aesop, Joseph sighs, drawing circles and patterns on Aesop's top. "I'll miss you, Carl." He mutters out, feeling Aesop's fingers trace his back as he hums. "Mm... One more round?"

Joseph gets up. "Wh-What?! But Aesop you'll miss the train-"

"Who cares. I'll go after I'm satisfied with you~" He flips them over as he spoke, attacking Joseph's neck. "Uhnn~.."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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