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Note: this story is also available in My_HearTae's acc; JosCarl Oneshots


'In this world, life revolves around one primary thing: love.

Everytime you fall in love, you lose a part of your soul to that person you fell for. Everytime someone falls in love with you, you get a piece of their's. And you die when you run out of soul to give.

History only knows of two immortals so far, one who never found love and the other who makes people fall in love with them to purposely extend their life.'


"What?" Scoffing, a man arched his back on the couch as he laughed loudly, his voice echoing throughout the mansion. "No, no, I'm not mocking you, Fan." He giggled. "Its just hard to believe," Once again, he bursted into fits of laughter.

"Mhm, yeah sure. I'll be preparing dinner so you guys can invite yourselves over. Uh-huh, okay, see you." He hummed after dropping the call. Sighing, he walked into his room and faced the mirror.

Gently, he tunneled his slender fingers through his white locks, eventually reaching his bow, and there, he loosened the tie. Cerulean blue eyes glimmered under the sunlight that managed to sneak past his silk curtains, and he sighed.

Known as Joseph Desaulniers, he was greatly known throughout the whole country for his great looks and beautiful personality. People from here and there loved him so much, it would be a miracle if someone had not known about him.

Aside from people idolizing Joseph, many had also fallen deeply in love with him, male and female. So deep, it was almost impossible for them to fall out of love. And that is the exact reason why he does not die. Maintaining the goal to keep letting people fall for him just for the purpose to extend his own life, you may think that Joseph is selfish. But in his defense, he just thinks that the right person hasn't arrived yet.

Joseph himself is older than a few hundred years, and throughout those times, he had met tons of people that he thought were the one, but he thinks waiting is the best option for him at the moment.

"They're here?" He muttered to himself when he heard the doorbell ring. After quickly changing into a new set of clothes and tying his hair back up, he gave one last look at the mirror and flashed a smile.



"Its already 3 pm?"

A silver-head yawned and covered his mouth as he got up from his large bed, ruffling his hair while slipping into his sandals and heading downstairs. His tired eyes wandered around the empty living room and towards the kitchen, contemplating on whether to cook some pasta or just bake some pancakes.

He decided on both.

In the midst of his cooking session, his phone rang, and he reached out to his pajamas' back pocket to fish out the ringing cellular mobile.

"Oh, Lucky! What's up?" His eyes brightened as he greeted the boy on the phone half-heartedly, still trying to process everything. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I just woke up." He reasoned, taking a bite out of one of the waffles that he just finished making and only to spit it out due to it still being hot.

"Ahshafashahafasha- HOT!!" He stomped his feet and quickly turned on the faucet, directly taking a drink from the tap water. From the other side, he could hear Lucky laughing at him and mimicking the cry he just made earlier.

"Tsk tsk, stop mocking me! Anyways, why did you call?" He wiped his mouth with his arm, going back to his business and adding another batter onto the pan.

He silently listened to his friend's answer, and he stopped cooking. "Huh? To whom's house?"

Blinking, his eyebrows slowly furrowed together as he once again listened to the other side, but he cut him off. "Hold on, I can't seem to hear you well. Let me put you on loud speaker... Anyways, to where again?"

"To Fan's friend's house. Y'know, Joseph Desaulniers'." He said, now much more clearly. But the silver-head only scrunched his nose. "Joseph Desaulniers? Who's he?"

"Are you kidding me, Aesop?! Are you sure you don't know him?! He's famous across the whole country!" The voice scolded, his tone raising to a higher pitch.

"Nope." Aesop flatly answered, making sure to pop the 'p' while he carried the plate of waffles onto the dining counter and heading back to the stove to check on his pasta.

Lucky sighed from the other line, "What in the name of Hastur have you been doing throughout all these hundreds of years?"

Aesop shrugged, though he knew Lucky wouldn't see the gesture. "Dunno. Trying not to fall in love with anyone, I guess."


More silence.

"Aesop, you're being too-"

"What? Selfish?" He scoffed, turning the stove off and proceeding to drain the water out of his pasta while he continued to speak. "It may seem selfish to others, but for me, I simply think that my life isn't worth being lost to anyone. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Lucky fell silent for a while, but he still managed to say a reply. "No..."

Aesop felt a tinge of guilt for taking the matter too seriously, and he sighed. "Let's set that aside. Anyway's come to my house at 4, then let's go together to that Joseph's house."

"Oh, okay! See you later then!" Lucky's excited voice rang from the other side before the call was dropped, and Aesop sighed as silence clouded him once again.

"Guess I'll have to eat these quickly before Lucky arrives."


"Coming!" A voice answered from the inside, and Aesop stood side by side with Lucky, two tall, identically looking men standing in front of them while they waited for the door.

Aesop and Lucky exchanged glances, the two slightly sweating as they were nervous to meet the famous man. But Aesop pursed his lips and soon looked up when the door clicked and a man with a bright smile opened the door. "Welcome!"

"Eyyy, Joseph, my mannn!!" Fan bro-hugged the shorter male and shook his hand. Xie, the other tall man, ruffled Joseph's hair before stepping aside to introduce the two silent boys behind them.

"Meet Lucky. He's a good friend of ours," Xie said, but it was obvious that something else was going on because of how he cleared his throat and how Fan coughed awkwardly.

Joseph waved a hello and smiled.

"And this one is Aesop Carl. He's one of the good guys our Lucky had been hanging out with." Fan explained, and Aesop slowly looked at Joseph, still afraid to look at him in the eye.

Joseph smiled, but he froze when his chest tightened for a few seconds, and his eyes grew wide. 'Something's not right...'

On the other hand, Aesop also felt a sting in his chest area, and he inhaled in short breaths, soon coughing as he bent down. "A-Aesop! Are you okay?!" Lucky worriedly asked, and Aesop waved his hand to dismiss his condition. "Yeah, I'm fine.. I just have a cold."

"You sure?"


Lucky guided him inside, and Joseph's eyes followed the silver head he was brought to the kitchen to drink some water.

Deep inside, both thought of the same thing:

'Just a second ago, it felt like.. My life span just got reduced.. But why?'


Little do they know, that fateful meeting marked a change in their lives after hundreds of years of immortality. But what will they fight for?

For their life? Or for love?

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