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chapter 4: lee sua
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jungkook wakes up by the scent of bacon in the air

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jungkook wakes up by the scent of bacon in the air. he rubs his eyes as he sits up from the couch. his eyes avert around the room before it stops at the kitchen, where you stood, your baby blue apron over a plain white dress and your hair tied into a neat bun.

he doesn't realise that he's been staring until you turned your head to the right to look at him. "oh, you're finally awake." you say to him, cracking an egg into the pan.

he glances at the clock that says 8.47a.m. "why didn't you wake me up?" jungkook asks as he gets up from the couch groaning, before shuffling his way towards the island bar table.

"thought you'd needed some rest— i definitely needed it." you answer him with a yawn between your words.

"you have class later?" jungkook asks while watching you transfer your eggs and bacon onto a plate. you sit down on the stool across him and dig into your meal.

"well, aren't you a smart one?" you say, your tone full of sarcasm which made him roll his eyes.

jungkook pouts, "you didn't bother to make some for me?" he asks, his right hand reaching out to grab a strip of bacon before you swatted him away. "make it yourself." you tell him, pointing the end of the fork that had a piece of bacon at him before bringing it to your mouth.

jungkook makes a face at your words, though he already expected it from you. "i'm going back to bed." he announces, yawning as he gets up from the stool, your eyes unknowingly follow his back until he's inside his room.

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you stop in place and whirl your head around when you hear taehyung call out from behind you, just by seeing him lightens up your mood. unlike that shitty roommate of yours.

he jogs his way towards you, his blue hair slightly bouncing off his head when he does so. "hey." you greet him with a smile.

"why didn't you answer my calls?"

"cause you're annoying as shit." you joke before letting out a giggle, "i'm kidding, i left my phone at the dorm." you tell him and he nods his head repeatedly at your reason.

taehyung notices the dress that you're wearing, "that's a nice dress, you look good in it." he compliments, using his hand that was currently holding a half eaten sandwich to point at it.

"thanks, i bought it at the thrift shop then altered some parts myself." you say while adjusting the puffy sleeves of the dress.

taehyung gives an approving look, "not bad." he says while bumping his shoulders with yours.

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