Prologue - The Betrayals and Promises✔️

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Nico's POV

I will rip Olympus down brick by brick that is what I vowed to do the day my so called father Hades disowned me and cast me to live eternity in the depths of Nyx's realm where the most horrific monsters and creatures live.

My name is Nico di Angelo and I will keep that promise for I am the son of the pit himself.Yes you guessed right - I am the son of Tartarus. With my amazing girlfriend who is screaming for revenge against the Olympians because of putting her mother back into her eternal slumber.

Her name is Kristen Camora and she is a unique daughter of Gaea.But enough with the introductions let me explain how we both developed such an intense hatred towards the Olympians and their so called demigod children...


I was just going for my usual monthly visit to camp. I had decided not to stay at Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter after the war with Gaia, even though Jason tried to persuade me to settle down and stay at any of the two camps permanently. I walked into the common area of the Big House only to see that Annabeth was crying along with Piper and my sister Hazel.I immediately became confused as to why the girls where crying, when I also noticed that Chiron was standing behind the crying girls in his centaur form - anger and disappointment written on his face.

The second thing I noticed was that Percy, Jason and Frank were all surprisingly missing as they were always by their girlfriends sides - not leaving them alone for more than a few minutes. Cautiously I proceeded to asked Chiron nicely where the guys were and this caused the three girls to start crying even more. Chiron then said in an tone that was laced with venom that they were all dead and a black sword was found next to them.

Suddenly and without warning, I was flashed to Olympus and was standing before the whole Olympian council including my father Hades and Aunt Hestia.All the Olympians had either grim faces or an angered expression but it was Uncle Poseidon, Uncle Zeus and Ares whom looked furious (maybe even murderous). My father on the other hand looked like he was disappointed in me (even though I knew I did nothing wrong... at that particular point in time) but more than that he looked livid.Then my dear Uncle Zeus said the worst news that could have possibly been said to me in my entire life.

"Nico Di Angelo I hearby proclaim you to be a danger to Olympus and our demigod children.Also you are the suspected demigod to have murdered the demigod heroes Jason Grace,Perseus Jackson and Frank Zhang."

I tried and failed to protest that I did not kill them because first of all they were my cousins and my best friends and secondly even though my fatal flaw is holding grudges, my disagreement with Percy is long forgotten and I never had a grudge towards Frank or Jason.Then my father said with barely restrained anger that I must draw my sword.

When I drew my midnight black sword, immediately the first thing I saw was the dried blood covering the edges of the blade and that was when my face became visibility paler than it usual was as my whole world came crashing down in that one microsecond. I thought to what Chiron said. The sword immediately fell from my hand, making a loud clattering sound as it hit the pristine white tiles."No", I thought "It can't be me". A million thoughts were running through my head as I faintly heard Hades voice in the background deliver the second worst news in the short few hours that I was up on Olympus."This proves my brothers point and I hear by disown you as my son."

Immediately I felt like the weight of the sky dropped down on my shoulders. Falling to my knees in what felt like slow motion, a loud "THUD" echoed throughout the throne room. An intense hatred slowly start to creep into my heart as I glared at each of the Olympians until my eyes fell upon Zeus who then said with a smirk plastered to his face "I now cast you into the deepest and darkest part of Nyx's realm where you shall be punished for your crimes and for being to powerful for us Olympians control."

There was a clap of thunder and Zeus master bolt appeared in his hand but before I was blasted away to Nyx's realm I said with as much anger and hatred as I could muster in my voice: "OLYMPIANS MARK MY WORDS I WILL RETURN WITH A GREAT ARMY AND DESTROY YOU ALL.I WILL TEAR THIS PLACE DOWN BRICK BY BRICK."

I then gave my most famous glare to all the Olympians, only this time it was more intimidating and more evil looking before Zeus's master bolt came crashing down on me.My last words to the Olympians were "BRICK BY BRICK THAT IS WHAT I PROMISE TO DO AND UNLIKE YOUR PREVIOUS ENEMIES I WON'T FAIL.THEY WERE ALL A MISERABLE BUNCH OF ASSHOLES!"

Surrounded in a blinding white light, I soon found myself sitting on a cold,hard stone surface. Looking at my surroundings, only to see nothing but slight hues of the color purple. With a sigh of relief, I welcomed the darkness that was part of Nyx's realm. The immense force of the days events hit me (which included the force of Zeus's master bolt), making me feel weak and dizzy. That was when my eyes closed and I blacked out for what seemed like an eternity to me.


Author's Note:
Hi guys this is my first story so sorry if it sounds a bit boring but I will make it as interesting as possible.Note that I will try and update as often as possible so goodbye for now and please comment.

WORDS: 1 000

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