chapter 4.

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I'm back, and I hope I'll be able to update as often as I can (but I have some exams next week so just let me some days)

Alison POV

We kissed. Oh. My. God. It felt so good to feel her lips against mine. I still can't believe I kissed one of my student, it's forbidden but God, I don't regret it at all ! I think this is the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. I don't know Emily for a very long time but I feel so good with her. It's like if Heaven had a meaning now. I was still at her apartment when I received a call from my mum. Emily and I were cuddling on the couch.

* - Hey Sweety, it has been a long time since we last talked !
- Yeah mum, I have been very busy lately and I can't really talk for now, I'm not alone.
- Oh. Okay sweetheart, just call me as soon as possible I need to tell you something.
- I will mum don't worry! *

- Sorry Em, it was my mum.

- Don't worry, mine is calling me every two days to check if I'm eating well and so on haha

- Does your mom knows that you're into girls ? Well I don't even know if you're into girls. I don't know you at all.

- I am, I mean I am into girls and my mum, hm she knows that I am gay. She didn't get along with it at first but now it's okay. She even met my ex girlfriend.. And yours? Does she know that you.. Date girls instead of boy?

- She does. When I was a child she used to tell me to be myself, not being someone the society wanted me to be, she kept repeating to be a little selfish and to care about my feelings first. When I told her that I was dating a girl a few years ago she said "what's her name" so I'm kind of lucky to have a mom like mine.
Listen Emily, I know that what's happening right now is strong but this is also forbidden. I'm not allowed to have extra relationships with my students.

- I know Ali, I know but look at us, we didn't stop smiling since that kiss. The only thing that worries me right now is to kiss you again.

- I don't think it's impossible to hide what happens between us.. I don't think I'll be able to act like you're only one of my students. What I feel for you is already so strong.

- I get you, all of this : the butterflies, the glares, the kisses, didn't happen since Laura...

- Laura ?

- She was... She was my girlfriend.. She died a few months ago.

- Oh Emily I'm sorry I didn't know. What can I do for you?

She smiled at me and I automatically knew what to say and what to do. I reduced the gap between us. I looked at her, her perfect skin, her beautiful hazel eyes and instead of kissing her I just took her in my arms. I think this is the only thing she needed at this time, a hug, knowing that she wasn't alone in this world. Because I really care about her.

Emily POV

- We are going to try the 'us' we started some hours ago.

This was one of the most magical thing someone ever said to me.

- I won't talk to anybody about us, I promise! I want the 'us' thing to work out.

- I trust you Em.

I finally decided to be bold and look right at her lips. I needed to kiss them, like if I was obsessed. So I just kissed her. And it felt once again, really good just like the first time.

I can't wait for us to have a relationship, a something.
I think I found a soulmate. Alison DiLaurentis, master in French.

I know this is short but it's almost midnight and I wanted to publish it before I went to bed. Good night xx

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