chapter 2

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Emily POV

I need to leave this college, I need to move on, I can't stay here. I can't just feel this way all day long, it's just impossible. This is why I decided that I was going back to my mother's house in Texas. Tomorrow.

- earlier this day -

"Come in my class at 4pm"

I can't stop read this piece of paper. Is it mutual ? Does she feel the same way as I do?

She already has such a power over me, over my feelings, and I can't stop it. I can't. But everything goes so far, I know her since yesterday. How many times do you need to realize that you're in love with someone? 2 seconds ? 10 minutes ? 4 hours ? 1 day? One life?

The class is over, everybody gives his essays to her. Spencer is still writing. Such a perfectionist!

"Spencer, the time is up. You need to give me your essay. Don't worry this is the first one I'll be nice by marking it!" said Mrs DiLaurentis.

"Oh excuse me, I just like to re read it at the end so I can edit it" said Spencer

I was packing my stuffs in my bag, I stood up and gave to her my essay. Our hands touched, and this was like the whole world stopped during this moment. I felt electricity along my entire body. We stayed like this, linked by one touch, staring at each other, smiling at each other. This lasted a little bit longer than I thought because Spencer was coughing. Nobody was in the room except Spencer, Alison and I. We disconnected our hands and I smiled to her. Spencer gave her paper and we went out.

"What happened?" said Spencer with a surprised voice.

"I have no idea for now" I answered

"What? 'For now'?" she asked

"She wants to see me after my classes" I said slowly and being discrete. We were in the building and everybody could hear us. And whatever this is was, it was forbidden.

"And are you going to see her? I mean do YOU want to see HER?"

"Well I think I will even if I don't really know what's going on in there" I said pointing at my heart.

"Emily, you don't know about your heart but your head should tell you that this is forbidden." she declared

"I know, this is why I don't know about the later thing"

That was right, Spencer was right. Nothing is possible between a teacher and his or her student. But I needed to see her, to talk to her. I wanted to know what she was feeling.

We had English so Spencer and I headed to our classroom. I couldn't focus on the class or on whatever else. She was on my mind, she was stuck in her. I promised myself to not fall in love again, not after what happened last time.

Last year, I met this wonderful girl Laura she literally changed my life, she made me smile, she made me happy. And a few months ago she was diagnosed with a tumor in her head, so they kept her at the hospital during 2 months. I was going to see her every day and I was the one who made her smile. One night, I received a call. It was her mom and she was announcing me that Laura passed out. I can't describe how I felt, I cried, and cried and cried again. My lover was gone, I had lost my sunshine, my smile, my reason of waking up. Love hurts. And even if the great moments take down the bad ones, it still hurts like crazy. I promised myself that I wasn't going to fall in love again.

A tear had fallen on my cheek, but I ripped it before anyone could see it. Laura was my first love, I came out because of her, and I will always be thankful for knowing and loving her.

Second period, third period, lunch, everything was slow, until the last period.

Alison POV

That was my last class, and Emily had still a class before meeting me here. I had one hour to think about what I was going to tell her. If she comes. She didn't say she was going to come, but she didn't say she wasn't either. She just smiled. Her perfect smile. When our hands touched I had like a million butterflies running out of oxygen in my stomach, this was incredible. I never felt like this, even with my past girlfriends.

Well I'm sure about one thing, Emily felt the same way earlier, I saw it in her eyes, she didn't know what was IT.

This is wrong, we can't be We just can't. This is forbidden. What if I loose my job? I waited so long to have this place in this college and I can't just destroy my hard work.

I know what I'm going to say to her, and I hope I won't change my mind before I see her.

10 minutes. My hands are wet, and I keep walking between the tables of the room.

5 minutes. What if she doesn't come?

2 minutes. I hear the students going out of each classroom.

Suddenly, a knock made me go back on earth. There she was. Emily. A tall brunette with perfect brown eyes looking at me. She was smiling.



It didn't need more, we both knew how powerful this thing was. We knew by the sound of our voices.

"You wanted to see me?" making a step towards me.

"Yes, I needed to talk to you about something" also making a step towards her.

"Well I'm here, you can speak" still walking towards me.

"Did you.. mhh I mean, did you..." I tried to say looking for my words.

"Did I feel the connection we have?"

"Yes, did you feel it?" I asked

"I did, and I know that if I took your hand right know we will feel it again" she said, starting to take my hand.

I moved back. This is wrong so wrong. She looks at me so confused and disappointed.

"As much as I would like to be able to feel the sparkles again, this situation is wrong. We can't do this." I finally said

"You made me come here, just to push me back like this?" she said stepping back.

I didn't know what to do. I knew that was the best thing to do. Her eyes were wet, ready to let the tears going down. She left, letting me all alone.

What did I do?

I already regret my words.

Emily POV

All day I wondered about going to see her or not, after finally accepted to let her in. She just pushed me away. Love hurts.

I knew I shouldn't have go. I'm so dumb.

I run until I reach my apartment.

I need to clear my head, to clear out my feelings. While undressing, I think about what I'm going to do about this whole story.

I need to tell Spencer about what I'm planning to do. After the shower, I sit on the couch and think.

I need to leave this college, I need to move on, I can't stay here. I can't just feel this way all day long, it's just impossible. Being in the same room as her is impossible.This is why I decided that I was going back to my mother's house in Texas. Tomorrow.

Hey :)

Hope you will like this part. I will probably update soon !

Oh and if you have twitter you can follow me at @PieterseGirl :)

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