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Heads up, this is mostly a filler chapter. Calum and Audrey learn about each other's lives.


     We were stuck. I was stuck in the basement with my crush-since-forever, and he was stuck with his classmate's younger sister. I couldn't imagine how miserable he was.

     Calum and I walked down the steps and back onto the couch. I knew both of us had run out of ideas. He kept running a hand through his hair, taking deep breaths. I was sweating beyond my control.

     "What do we do?" I asked.

Calum turned to me with his eyebrows raised. "You're asking me?" he replied, thankfully sarcastically. Ah sarcasm, a true quality I can handle.

     I chuckled and said, "Well excuse me, but I don't exactly live here."

     "Oh, that's right. You live with your mum?"

     I nod. "Yeah. Actually, Archer and I both live with her. Archer comes here on the weekends to throw his parties."

     He hums. "Your dad is gone a lot?"

     Again, I nod. "I don't pay notice. I'm never here anyway."

     His smile faded, and he moved himself over to face me. "Archer once told me your parents split a couple years back."

     My smile faded too, but I forced it back on knowing this question didn't bother anymore. Or at least, I tried not to let it bother me. "They did. That's why I don't live here anymore. My mom won custody over us."

     "Is that what messed up your relationship with your dad?" Calum started, but quickly stopped himself. "I'm so sorry, I'm prying again. You probably don't want to answer questions like that--"

     "Calum, it's okay," I assured him, putting my hands out in front of me. I give him a small smile. "You're curious, that's okay.. Um, yeah, the divorce is.. The reason."

     I watched his eyebrows furrow in disappointment. "That's difficult."

     I shrugged. "I've gotten used to it."

     Calum shook his head. "You shouldn't have had to."

     "Divorce forces you to. Archer understands it too. If there's anything we have in common, it's how we feel about our dad." I rubbed my sweaty palms together. I hadn't talked about my parent's divorce for months and it was making me nervous.

     Calum thought for a while before saying, "Everyone needs a father figure in their life. I'm sorry,"

     By this point, I tried to continue to smile, but I couldn't. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Quickly, I rubbed it away. Calum must have noticed, because he scooted over to be right beside me. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry,"

     "No, you didn't." I shook my head. "It's just that, it's been a while since I've opened up about my parents' divorce. And I've only ever discussed it with my best friend, Luke. I've never had anyone else empathize with me before." 

     I wipe my eyes again, embarrassed that I allowed myself to be vulnerable in front of someone I hardly knew but who seemed to know so much about me through my brother. But Calum made it so easy to open up. "I'm sorry that you're seeing me like this,"

     Calum gave my shoulder a small squeeze. "Don't ever apologize for releasing some emotions." Then, he did something I never expected him to do.

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