Headed To Vegas!

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Jacks POV

An: hey yall, I'm back! For old readers wondering why they may have gotten a notification on this story, I'm rewriting all the previous chapters to fit more with my CURRENT writing style, so future chapters flow better with current ones. The storyline will still be the same, so if you don't care for rereads, you can wait for the new chapters to come out instead. You aren't missing too much.

Jacks POV

Dave and I had just finished fucking up another Freddy's establishment by killing kiddins and traumatizing another phone-headed weirdo and currently taking a long drive to Vegas, just as promised. I was at the wheel while Dave sat in the passenger seat - he didn't know how to drive. He was looking out the window and kicking his feet like a little kid, which would be cute if he weren't babbling about every little thing that went past the car window. Trees, people, animals, buildings... roadkill, even. He had something to tell me about everything, most of it nonsensical. And no, he won't stop even if I ask him to. I'm pretty sure he's doing it in the first place because it annoys me. Oh well, I guess.

It was starting to get dark, and I could tell Dave was getting tired because he wasn't pointing out every little piece of roadkill anymore. He fell asleep but jolted back awake when he bonked his head hard onto the window. I laughed at him.

"Are ya sure ya don't wanna move to the back seat to rest for a bit, Dave?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm just fine up here!" Dave was forcing his eyes to stay open. I always hated looking at him when he was tired because his pupils would get tinier than usual - it was somewhat creepy.

"Are... Are you sure?"

"Yup! Don't you worry y-your... Pretty little... head-" And he fell asleep. Great. At least he's not bashing his head against my window this time. If he wakes up sore, it's his fault, not mine.

~~~A three-hour time skip, brought to you by Dave bashing his head against a window~~~

It was about midnight, and now, even I was starting to feel sleepy. The nearest hotel isn't too far from where we're at, so I decided we'd sleep there for the night. After parking the car, I hopped out, walked to the passenger side, and opened the car door. Now to wake up Dave. I tried gently shaking him, but when that didn't work, I tried... not so lightly. That didn't work, either. So I then proceeded to kick Dave in the shin.


That worked.

"Hey eggplant, we're staying at a hotel for the night, so unless you're staying in the ca-" I don't think I've ever seen Dave hop up so fast, and not only did he go fast as fuck, but he dragged me by the wrist with him. Ow.

While checking into the hotel, they told us they only had one room left, so we had to bunker down together in the same room. Now, just between you and me, whoever's beyond the 4th wall, I'm very gay and even gayer for this eggplant man over here. I know, shocker, right? I've only shared a bed with him (to my knowledge, anyway...) Once, and it was because he broke into my house. So this should be an... 'Interesting' night...

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