Chapter 9:I Love You

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Melissa Jacobs, Brandons girlfriend on the side..................


The plane ride was uncomftable, I had are cars and things shipped before we took Ava, She was still knocked out thank god i didnt need her waking up on the plane and kicking up a fuss.

Her mom gave me permission to take her, I explained everything and she understood more willingly than i would have predicted. But yesterday she gave me a warning, That Ava had a troubled past and shes more vunerable than she seems. I already knew that She had a barrier up, It was something to do with her father, That i knew, But someone else was involved and they damaged her.

Mark my words when i found out who, I will kill them.

Il kill them for her.My Ava, The woman I love.

"It still fucking hurts you know, All that time you too spent together and you didnt know she had a fucking bat!?" I laughed at Elijah. The right side of his face was swollen and he could hardly see from his eye, Its A good thing i brought something to knock her out, She nearly killed him.

"Stop whining your giving me a headache"

"Dude your old lady tryed to smash in my skull with a bat, And you've got a headache!!" He was so overdramatic. I looked over at Jake and nodded and he slapped him round the back of the head.

"Fuck you both man i could of died" Okay so maybe that was true if she'd hit him a little harder he might have died.

"This is your captain, Where about to land boss, Strap up boys" Timmy the pilot said over the intercom. Brandon came from the back and took a seat next to me putting on his seat belt.

"I spoke to melissa the clothes and things you asked for arrived and the boys have started putting them away, I told her to sort out the underwear herself didnt want you having a fit"

"You know me so well" He smiled and looked out of the window"You missed her?"

"More than you could imagine, I havnt seen her in nearly 9 months its been driving me crazy man"

I felt for him  i didnt want him to come i knew he'd miss her but he insisted.

I looked over at Ava on the sofa she looked peacefull beautiful like always, Well atleast untill she wakes up.



Rolling over i buried my head onto the pillow, I knew i had to get up this was my last week at school, I was above most people with my grades so i got to finish earlyer. Running my hand through my hair last nights events ran through my head and i shot up in my bed.. Hang on. This is not my room!

This was an amazing room... wow my kidnappers must be loaded, What could they possibly want from me, I scanned the room looking from the massive amazingly comftable bed to the dark green curtains, The thick white rug and the 50 inch tv hung on the wall there was three doors aswell, The opossite side of the bed had a night stand just like the side i was on except it had things on it.

I stood up and looked down.OKAY who ever this fucker is has crossed a line. They changed me from my pjs into a very revealing nightdress, Beautiful, But revealing.

Okay Ava pull yourself together you need to find something for protection! Looking around there was nothing insight. Time to try door number 1, Pulling it open towards me i was ready for whatever could be behind,

 Except this, it was a walk in wadrobe. Both sides where full and on the womans side where clothes i would die to own they where beautiful, Walking down to the end there was jeans band t's, converse. What the fuck who puts some girl they've kidnapped in there girlfriends bed anyway.

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