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I placed Teal in my lap taking another look at myself in the mirror, My hair was done to perfection, My makeup was spotless, I looked beautiful.

I moved my leg a little for Teal to get comftable, The twins where so big now being 6 months old I looked at RJ while he slept beside me. Today was going to be one of the most important days of my life but i felt empty like something was missing, Someone was missing. Jake, Its been five months since the incident with Daniel and since i'd first seen Jake.

5 Months Ago....

Once i'd gotten to the top of the stairs with Ally i pushed the door open without knocking, Everyone was in there. Brendan, Mel, Rogan and the Twins were all stood around him they didn't look suprised that i was there. Jake. I could hardly see though the tears clouding my eyes.

He was pale. So pale and still, The tube coming from his mouth caused bile to rise but i coughed it back down, He was on life support.

"Come here baby" Rogan took my hand leading me to Jakes side and sat me down in the chair.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I grabbed his hand, He was unresponsive and cold so very cold.

"I was going too but not yet, Your in no condition for bad news, After you passed out another man entered, One of the knifes hit Jake, He was fine... And when we got back here the adrenaline had warn off and he passed out, The doctor said the bleeding was internal, He's been placed in a Coma untill he can breath on his own." I nodded stroking his knuckles and kissed his head.

"AVA!" I jumped a little turning towards Mel.

"Sorry i was day dreaming a little" I gave a sleeping Teal to Lauren who took the babys from the room.

"Were you thinking about Jake?" I nodded standing up and rubbing my hands down the front of my dress to straighten it out.

"He'll be fine Ava, I know you wanted to wait untill he got better but the date was set, And if i know Jake aswell as i think i do he'll be glad he doesn't have to wear a suit, He hates weddings"

I smiled and she passed me my flowers.

"Okay, Im up first, Good luck Fatty, I love you" I laughed pushing Mel out the door, I took a deep breath waiting for my signal.

"Always alone Ava, Even to walk down the aisle" My heart stopped, The world stopped and my head whipped to the side, I blinked a few times hoping that what was happening right now was real, That i wasn't halluncinating.

"Jakey" He nodded and i reached forward placing my hand on his arm. He was warm and real, This couldn't be my imagination.

He pulled me forward with imense force and i fell into his chest. "Its me Shortcake" He grabbed my face with his hands.

"Don't cry Ava, Its your wedding day" I laughed a little at the frown on his face.

"How...How are you here?"

"I woke up last week, Rogan wanted to keep it a suprise for you, Ive been hiding in the west wing for days, Its been so annoying" I hugged him again laughing.

"So your okay?... Im sorry i just cant believe it" He nodded and picked up my flowers, I must have dropped them when he appeared.

"Now shortcake, Pull yourself together, This is one of the most important days of your life. So stop crying and lets go!" I could here the music from behind the curtain.

I wrapped my hand around Jakes arm and smiled wiping the stray tears from my cheeks. Knowing he was here made everything feel real and complete, No one was trying to kill us, Or kidnapp me, My babys where healthy and happy and Jake was alive and well, There was nothing else i could possibly need to make me happier on my wedding day. I smiled up at Jake.

"Lets do this"

I was ready to spend the rest of my life with these people, All of them.

There my family now.

The End........

Thats it people, I wasn't sure how to end this but its the best i've got for this story, i hope you enjoyed it, There may be a sequel but im not sure about that yet.

Thanks for reading


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