CHAPTER-1: Now I know the Truth

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“My god, Alicia! Enough now. Did you not hear me? I said STOP. Alicia!” She stared at at wide-eyed.

“My dear Mrs.Winson, now, that I know the truth, I will not stop. Do whatever you can. Bye.” I said,

I have to tell the Prince and the King the truth I have just discovered.

“Guards! GUARDS!” She screamed as I jumped out of the only window in my room, which is in a huge tower.

The wind is hitting my face as I float in mid-air. It's like falling off a skyscraper. If you have ever done this, you know that you hear sound of the wind screeching in your ear. And before I know, I am on the ground. The fall didn't really hurt much because the grass was tall enough to act as a mattress.

I thanked god for saving me and dashed for the stable where Ruby, my mare, was waiting. “There you are, I can always trust you, can't I?” I smiled.

She neighed and leaned gently towards me as if giving a warm hug. “Oh dear, I missed you too but I'm here now. So let's go before they come.” I was determined.

Just a few moments Prince Eric, here I come.

I am centring all the way to the Main Court of the Royal Place. It is quite far away from the tower in which I was supposed to stay. You know, royal life is full of risk. You never know who is planning to stab you in the back while acting as your trust worthy. And, right now I have to run, run for the sake of this kingdom's future...and mine too.

By the way, Hi! I am Alicia, actually, Princess Alicia. No wait, you didn't hear me right? I said I'm a Princess! Yeah I know, you are thinking something like this:

“Dude, she's a princess, she would have everything that she dreams of.” Some of you would also think, “What would possibly go wrong in her life? At worst, she gets a wrong colored handkerchief!” Haha. Well, I thought the same a few months ago. Now I know that every princess story is not ‘Disney Pictures’ style. A poor girl who becomes a princess by chance and rest of that stuff.

My story is kinda like that, it definitely looks simple only nothing is ever so simple.

You know what I must have watched one of their movies like ‘Cinderella’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’, ‘Snow White’, etc. A royal life should be a bed of roses, right? Mine was certainly not.

Also, I would like to introduce you to my life so that you can get an idea of who am I since I will be the one who would keep you a company until the end of this book.

I am 17 years old. I am neither quite tall nor short (something in between). I am a slender girl. People say I have beautiful blue eyes and soft chestnut brown hair. I do not like talking much about my physical features so, let us just jump to my likes and dislikes.

I like reading books of any genre, i.e. mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, comedy, romantic.this list would go on and on and on and on... So you get it, I just love reading books. Oh! I also like to sing and dance. I was in the senior year of my high school. I was just few months away from giving my SATs. And I just can't stand the people who are bossy even though they know they are not the boss (you will get to know the people I am talking of here further in the book). Also, hate people who just act sweet and act to like you just because they might use you in future for their benefit (you are going to meet them too).

Now back to the story ;)

Ruby slowed down a bit, I think she was tired. Time flew by quickly. We escaped the tower in the morning and now the Sun was right above our heads. We were far from the tower but that doesn't means that the danger is over.

There is some shifting in the nearby bushes. My body becomes stiff, strangely Ruby is calm and she is having the luscious green grass.

I feel like I'm being watched so I get off Ruby. I go towards those bushes and pick up a stick which was near by. I holding the stick as if I would hit whatever tries to hurt me, I boldly say,

“Show yourself. I know you are there and I'm not afraid of you.” And out came from the woods a familiar face. I certainly didn't expect him to be here right now. But I was happy.

“Can I join you princess?” asked my partner in crime, my best friend and the only person after the Prince and my aunt whom I could trust here.

“Daniel! How? When? Wha-” he didn't let me complete my sentence, as always.

“May I ask my highness if she is still my old best friend or if the 'royal life' has changed her completely and now she wants to kill me?” he mocked and pointed towards the stick in my hand.

“Oh excuse this but Daniel, I missed you so much!” I exclaimed and hugged him. I was so happy to see him that I could not stop the tears pouring out through my eyes.

Wow I certainly didn't thought I would cry in front of him, but then again, I guess you can't really create a wall around you in front of loved ones.

“Hey, what happened? You crying? Alicia?” he looked worryingly at me. I could not help but sink in his blue ocean like eyes. I could feel a warm feeling in my stomach.

“I'm sorry Daniel, I'm really sorry I should have saved you from the punishment but I could not. Do you still love me?” l looked at him with my puppy eyes.

I was still feeling guilty that was the only one who could save him from the severe punishment of lifelong imprisonment in the most, I would say, scary prison of the kingdom, but still i could not.

“Hey, it's okay Alicia. At least you were brave enough to save me from the execution. Moreover, it doesn't matter now that I escaped.” He calmly said.

“And of course I love you silly. We were and we are best friends forever. Why would come to save you then?” he grinned.

“But how?” I asked, astonished by his courage. “No one was even able to escape from the Royal Prison. Only most ferocious criminals are imprisoned there and the security is one of the best in the world so I wonder how you managed to escape!” I said.

“Will you keep talking on will you come with me?” he rolled his eyes.

“Okay, let's go to the Royal Palace.” I said and we galloped on our horse towards the direction of the Royal Palace.


Author's note:

Hello everyone! Thank you for taking out the time to read this chapter. This is my first ever book on wattpad.
Feel free to comment on any part if you'd like. In the comments you can also suggest something for me to take care of regarding my writing for the future.
And sorry for the typos.

Also please vote and share, it really helps to boost my confidence. Thanks. :-D

Oh and also don't forget to wash your hands and help to flatten the curve, I'm sure y'all know what I mean. o:-)

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