Chapter 11 I like you

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I got home and just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling smiling. Did that really just happen? Did he just kiss me seriously. Not a prank, not spin the bottle but seriously. He could of just been drunk. He will probably regret it tomorrow. I'm just getting in over my head. But what if he won't regret it. I think I'm falling in love with him. If he doesn't feel the same way I don't know I'm going to be really hurt.
I had fallen asleep with all these thoughts going in my head.
I woke up the next day and decided to have a day for myself. I needed that. I didn't even check my phone yet. I just left it sitting beside my bed. I went to go make breakfast and make some coffee. I had a bit of a headache from all the drinking last night. After that I decided to take a hot bath instead of a shower. I put my favourite bubble bath in and my little rubber ducky I've had ever since I was young. It's like a baby blanket too me. I got it relaxed and read a book. A few hours went by and I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.
Shit shit shit I thought grabbing my wet soggy book out of the bath. Hopefully it will dry out and be fine. I got out wrapped myself in my towel and sat on my bed. Oh fuck, I didn't even check my phone today I thought. I picked up my phone and had a text from David from 3 hours ago. Crap he probably thinks I'm ignoring him.
The text said
"Hey Elena, I was hoping we could talk."
I texted back
"Hey, sorry david I just got out of the bath and totally forgot about my phone."
He texted back pretty quick
"Oh that's okay, maybe it would be better to do this in person, do you think I could come over and hangout tonight?"
I texted
"Yes that would be nice, how about 6? I could postmate some chipotle."
He texted
"Yes that would be great, see you then."
My stomach was filled with butterfly's again. It's 4pm I have two hours to get ready. Okay. I had so much anxiety. What if he wants to end our friendship. What if he doesn't feel the same way. But I stopped. What if he does feel the same way?
I went to go have a shower even though I just had a bath, my hair didn't get washed.  I got out and put some makeup on and went to my closet to choose something to wear

  I got out and put some makeup on and went to my closet to choose something to wear

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I decided to wear this, it's cute and something I would usually wear anyways.
I sat on my couch and put on a show for me to watch before he got here. I sat there waiting nervously then I heard a knock on my door. I got up opened it and it was David obviously. We made eye contact and it's like his pupils got bigger when they saw me. Hmm.
"Well come on in." I said and laughed nervously.
"Your laugh is really cute you know." David said
"Thank you." I blushed
"Oh sorry if that was weird for me to say." David said really quickly.
"No no no. It's okay. That was nice." I said and laughed again.
"Okay." David said and smiled
"So I just ordered chipotle it should be here in like 30 mins." I said while I sat down on the couch.
"Okay sounds good. So I wanted to talk to you about last night."
"Okay." I said taking a deep breath.
"To be honest with you Elena, I've had feelings for you awhile. But I tried pushing them away because of our friendship and everything that happened with zane and you know. But I just had to kiss you again last night after the spin the bottle thing. I was just not sure if you felt the same way. Or if you just wanted to be friends." David said nervously
I looked at him and just leaned into him and kissed him. A long kiss and he grabbed my face and kissed me back. We pulled away and both laughed
"Yes I feel the same way david." I said and smiled
David grabbed my face again and started kissing me passionately. I started kissing him back harder and harder and then we were making out. We made out for awhile and he was eventually on top of me. Our bodies were pressing together and it just felt so right. Then there was a knock on the door. Oh crap right the food. We pulled away from each other both heavily breathing and I fixed my hair and got the door and grabbed the food.
We sat down at the couch eating watching a show and laughing having a good night. It felt right what had happened and I'm so happy he feels the same way as me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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