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"Cheonsa, can we exchange numbers?" Yunho approached me when the studio is being cleaned. "It's not me but someone just wants to have your number, if that is okay with you?" I looked at the members that are also looking at us.

I observed San and he looks bored while the others are smiling at us.

"And personally, all of us want to be friends with you," he added.

I gave him a smile, "okay," I said and typed my number on his phone. He looked like a puppy who was given a treat. It's terrifyingly cute, I want to pinch his cheeks!

"Thank you very much, Cheonsa. I'll tell them to mention their name when they'll text you." I replied with an 'okay' then he left to go to the members.

Ms. Park approached me and led me out of the studio to go back to my office, "what you did today is very different, young miss."

"I know, I'm sorry I extended your work time, if it wasn't for Choi San." I mumbled the last part.

"I'm sorry miss, what were you saying?" I shook my head, "it's nothing. Tell the others I'm sorry and I want to treat them snacks some time," I told her and she nodded.

After I got in my office, I removed my glasses and Mr. Park was looking at me with delight.

"I heard what happened from Ms. Park."

I threw myself on the couch. "It was far from what I imagined," I said and released a sigh while remembering what happened a while ago.

San kept on trying to push my buttons a while ago. It was annoying but then I remembered I have to suffer his attitude 'cause we have to work together. If we will work together, how long will it take for me to get angry 100 times? Will he grant my wish?

"Young miss, your phone is ringing," Mr. Park woke me up to reality and I turned my eyes to my phone. It was an unregistered number, probably one of the boys.


"It's me, Wooyoung, the boys wanted to have dinner with you if you have free time," he said.

"Wait a minute," I told him then I asked Mr. Park my schedule. "I'm free after 7."

"That's okay, we'll wait for you at XXX." He said and I replied an 'okay' before I hung up.

"Is that a friend?" Mr. Park asked me. Knowing me too well, he knows I don't interact much with my friends. Yes, I have a few friends but they're also busy like me.

"It's ATEEZ, the boys who gave me a hard time a while ago," I told him and he chuckled. "I should go back to work, Mr. Park," I said and he nodded before I went to the bathroom to go back to my office attire.


"Cheonsa, let's get dinner," Ara unnie said when she walked in my office.

"I'm meeting our clients for dinner. If you want you can come with me," I told her then she gasped. "You mean ATEEZ," I nodded. "Oh my gosh, I'm a fan! Wait for me, okay?" She squealed then left my office. I chuckled because I know she will retouch her makeup.

"I didn't know you invited them at this place," she said when we stopped in front of the restobar.

"They're the ones who invited me," I told her then she slapped my shoulder. "Ow!"

"You're so selfish. I heard you did it again to them and you even have pictures with Wooyoung and San."

"Taking pictures with them is definitely not my idea, it was San's." I said then she gave me a look, "okay I'll let it go but you need to invite me when you're meeting them, alright?" I gave her an 'okay' sign, "okay." We giggled then we entered the place.

I can't see them so I tried to dial them but I heard my name already from above. It was Wooyoung waving then he ran downstairs to fetch us. "Let's go, the boys are waiting. Is there something you want to order? Though we already ordered a lot, if there's something you want to add, we can." He said then we faced the counter with the menu.

"I'm okay with having what you guys ordered," I told him then I nudged my cousin, "is there something you want?"

"Did you order soju and beer?" She asked and I was surprised when they did. I pinched her side, making her yelp in pain, "I didn't bring my car, okay? Don't drink recklessly."

"Have you seen me get drunk?" She asked and I nodded which made Wooyoung chuckle. "Okay, I promise not to drink too much," she said then Wooyoung already invited us to their table.

"Hello!" Their enthusiasm never disappear which made me smile.

"I hope you don't mind bringing my cousin," I told them then Hongjoong answered, "it's okay, I think it would make you uncomfortable if you're the only girl here."

The seats for us are in between San and Yeosang. I sat beside San since I'm more comfortable with him.

The table is filled with cheers and games like truth or dare and if you refused, you will need to drink soju mixed with beer. There was one dare where Jongho had to kiss the member he feels closest to and the poor guy just chose to drink because he didn't want to kiss anyone. I answered and did all of it because I didn't want to drink.

"You don't drink, Cheonsa?" Seonghwa asked me after I gave my answer to their question. I shook my head.

"Why don't you try," San asked me. "I did something embarrassing last time I got drunk so I'd rather not." I told him but I didn't notice all of them were listening to me, "it's okay to be just yourself with us. We told you we want to be friends with you, right?" Mingi says so in his tipsy state.

I nodded and bit my lip. I leaned closer and whispered to San, "will he be okay?" He leaned to my ear, "he'll be talking like a baby but we can handle him."

I responded with an 'ah' then we smiled to each other. I finished my water then I looked at my cousin who is obviously drunk. I took her cup that she is about to drink, "Lee Cheonsa, give me that. I'm not yet drunk!" She said as she was about to slap me but San's hand blocked me.

She looked at San and pointed a finger. "Choi San, do you perhaps like my cousin? You're always looking at her since a while ago."

I chose to ignore her statement. "Unnie, stop it already. You're drunk," I told her calmly.

"Lee Cheonsa!" Her scream and the way she looked at me gave me chills. "You obviously know I'm older than you but I let you treat me like we're the same age. You still treated me with respect, like it is natural for you to converse to people with respect. Why are you so kind?" I couldn't move with what she's saying because this will be the first time for me to hear this.

"You're so kind that it annoys me. Everything you do annoys me. Why can't you be evil for once? You think everyone likes you, huh? Because you're so nice, you think everyone likes you? You're so kind it makes me want to kill you!"

Tears are already falling from my eyes and I couldn't do anything but get hurt from her last statement.


"Cheonsa, let's go." I mindlessly let San drag me out of the restobar. We were walking until we reached the park. He pushed me to sit down on one of the benches. My eyes were glued downwards but I can see him staring at me with his hands on his hips.

"Is it wrong to be kind," I asked, breaking the silence. I looked at him and he had this hard face but I didn't care. I sobbed, "why is it wrong to be kind? My grandmother told me to be kind because this is what the world needs but why is it wrong to be kind?"

He sat beside me. His eyes softened then he wrapped his arms around me when I cried harder. "Is this why you're forcing me to get angry? Is this why so many people are evil? Because they will just hurt your feelings?" I asked San who is quietly rubbing my back and carefully caressing my hair.

"The world is evil, Cheonsa because they need to. You don't get angry for no reason but people misinterpret it that's why it leads to more harm." He said. I wrapped my arms to his waist and calmed myself down.


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