Ch. 5

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Calums pov:
We arrived at the beach after the girls. They were pathetically trying to bring huge logs together to try and make a little semi circle and bon fire.
"Hey you girls need so me help!" Michael yells and he chuckled a little bit too.
They all looked up surprised at first. It took them a second before someone actually speaks up.
"Yes please we need big strong men to help us." Brooke said. She seems like the only one who actually knows how to interact around people.
We all kind of chuckle and go over there to put the logs in a semi circle formation and stack a couple of logs in the center and Justyce lights a match and throws it in the pile of logs.
When she comes to sit down on the log i scoot over a bit so she could sit next to me. It was Ashton, Mel, Justyce, me, and on the other log it was Michael, Brooke, Taina, then Luke. I notice that Justyce has glasses now. They were thick black ones, but she was so sexy.
"Hey, you didnt have glasses at the club." I say tapping the lenses with my fingernail. Everyone focused on us cause it was just awkward silence before.
She looks up from her hands and straight into my eyes. "Oh yah, i usually wear contacts but im afraid they will get like sand in them or something." She says so quietly you can barely even here her.
For a couple more minutes it was the most awkward silence ever. Then finally Justyce broke It. Thank god.
She stands up and her being like almost on top of me i can see the black and white polka dot bikini shes wearing under her crop top. It was a worn out black one with little daisy's on it. She walks over to a small back pack at the end of the log and pulls out 2 12 packs of beer. She kind of laughs to herself as she pulls everything out. "So i kinda didnt think this one all the way through so we don't have a bottle opener or anything cause i was dumb an didnt think of that." She laughs still handing everyone a beer.
"We wont be able to open it though." Brooke said looking at Justyce like she was an idiot.
"Gimme." She says getting up and holding a hand out to Brooke so she can hand her her beer. She took Brookes beer and turned hers upside down and opened it using the top of her beer. She hands it back to Brooke and she looks a bit embarresed and mumbles "thanks." And Justyce travels around the logs till she has opened everyones and then uses an extra one in the box to open her own.
"So uhm are we just gonna sit here and drink because i was hopin we would go in the water and we could look at your fine bodies." Brooke says looking at Michael during her last 2 words. Me and the boys just kind of looked at eachother cause we werent actually expecting to go in the water so we were just wearing our regular clothes.
She looks at the 4 of us and raises an eyebrow. "For god sakes just take off your shirts and go in your jeans," she stops for a second getting ready to stand up and take off her top but then continues. "Or you can take off your pants too." She smirks and lifts up her shirt. The rest of the girls stand up and start to reveal there bikinis to and walk to the water as me and the boys just take off our shoes and shirts. Justyce had on a black and white polka dot string bikini top and plain black bottoms. She had such a fit little body.
"Bet i could beat you to the water." Luke says to Taina and he starts taking off but of course within 3 steps he trips over the sand and lands face first into the ground and we all start dying of laughter.
"Are you ok?" Taina asks helping him up while trying to contain her laughter.
"Yeah yeah im fine can we just go to the water Luke says ashamed. Taina laughs and agrees with him amd they walk hand in hand to the shore line.
Brooke and Mel are already in the water to where they cant reach they can barely reach the ground and Luke, Taina, Michael, and Ashton join them.
"Why are you all the way back here?" I ask Justyce who is still up to the part of the water that is hip deep for her.
"If you havent noticed im ridiculusly short so i cant reach the ground that far out." She says looking down fiddling with the water.
"Taina went out there though, just swim like she is."
She laughs. "I dont know how."
"What? Why not?"
"No one ever taught me."
"Guess i will have to then." I tell her and her eyes get wider. I put my left arm on her back and my right arm behind her knees and lift her up like a baby. I swear to god she was like 2 pounds. She seems kind of ok with it till i am about to put her down. The water where we were was just above my shoulder and she was the height of my shoulder so i knew she would need to at least swim a little bit. I didnt wanna go to deep and like traumatize her. "What, what are you doing?" She asks suddenly holding on to me tighter. I laugh a little bit and reassure her that its ok. "No no no dont let me go." She says grabbing me even tighter.
I laugh a little bit more. "Ok, ok relax i wont."
"Good." She sighs in relief ad starts to loosen up on me. She starts to rub her eye and right before she slings her right arm back around me i pull out both my hands from underneath her. She let out a small screen before she went under the water. In seconds she pops right back up and punches square in the chest. And i let out a small laugh cause it literally felt like a small bug just landed on me. She is like squirming to try and keep her head above the water. I put my hands around her stomach and she just stops all movement, and yes not on her stomach around pretty much like if i wanted to i could crush this girl like a bug she is so tiny.
"Look at me. Relax. To keep your self above the water you just need to move your arms." She nods and i let her go. She does as i say with much concentration. "See that isnt so hard now we can go further."
"I swear to god im gonna kill you." She says as i lift her up again the way i did before. I laugh.
"You did it over there and you can do it over here too." I went all the way out untill the water started to touch my chin. I let go of her but this time she didnt drop into the water. She hung on to me and then wrapped her legs around my waist. "What are you doing."
"Not drowning."
"Your not gonna drown trust me."
"Well you cant make me get off of me." I try pushing her off my body but she has a tight grip on me and she's stronger than she looks and weighs.
"Haha." She mocks me when i cant get her off.
"Are you ticklish?" I ask her not knowing how else to get her off of me.
"What?!" She says almost panicking. I just touch her stomach and she literally jumps off of me. I laugh so hard. I couldnt help myself. She pops up and does what i told her before to keep her head above the water. "Damn." I say still laughing.
"I dont like people tickling me. Actually no i hate people tickling me. Dont tickle me. Ever."
"Wow ok relax." I laugh. She just rolls her eyes.
"Can you just take me back to where i can walk everyone else is getting out cause its late and we need to go back home.
"No. You have to swim back." I say to her. I turn around and start walking back to the shore.
"What the heck?! No! You cant just leave me here come back!"
"Swim!" I yell turning around and smirking at her.
"How?! I dont want to drown, or look dumb!"
"Just turn so your back is facing up and use your arms like uh a windmill and then kick your feet."
"She thinks about it for a second and then starts to do what i say. I start to laugh cause she looks so concentrated. I have never known someon who doesnt know how to swim. She finally gets to me and stands back up on her feet.
"I hate you."
"But i taught you how to swim." i chuckle.
I laugh and lift her up like a baby again.
"No stop. Your forbidden to do this now."
"Who's gonna stop me?" I ask raising an eyebrow. She doesnt respond but only crosses her arms and i laugh.
"We should hang out again."
"Sure but next time it should be just us two."
"I conpletely agree."
"When we get to our stuff i will give you my number."
"I'll call you." I said smirking.

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