f i r e

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"Everything I've never done, I want to do with you"


I didn't see Jaidin for the next consecutive days, although I've heard from Mal that he was suspended from being in the girl's hallway doing something in the middle of the night.

How outrageous! I could almost hear Fairy Godmother's voice echoing inside my head.

I looked down at the water, swirling my hand above it until a small wave of liquid appeared above the surface spraying everywhere. I giggled as some droplets hit me before diving deep down. My crimson tail flicked behind me as I moved underwater, my hand touching the soft sand before I lay down, letting the moonlight seep into the water and hit my lying body. The stars glowed brightly in the sky and it feels like I can almost touch them with just one outstretched hand.

"He used to tell me that stars were a resemblance of the map on the sea. Every point and turn is a treasure waiting to be hunted by the pirates. I was fascinated, engorged in the idea of a chest filled with golden riches. Father said that the ancient people used stars to navigate themselves towards the deepest most wonderful treasures in the universe" he spoke softly as he gazed in wonder at the sky. His eyes were glimmering under the moonlight, they spoke of his utmost desire to explore the Sea. I marvelled at the sight of his, hearts hammering in my chest as I got lost in the swirling silver specks scattering on his irises.

A deep sigh escaped my lips when Harry came somersaulting into my thoughts, again. I didn't understand what was happening. How cruel the universe is to let the very person that destroyed you be with you in the same place you never thought would happen. Somehow, I wonder what would have happened if I didn't go to the Isle. If I didn't break the magic barrier. It felt like, this was Poseidon's punishment to me for not obeying my Mother and Father in marrying Prince Chad in the first place.

I would go through everything again if it means I wouldn't be stuck up with some princely, narcissistic asshole.

I scrunched my face at the thought of Chad Charming, now that I've thought of it. I haven't seen him and Audrey lately. The last time I've heard about them is when they broke up which, surprisingly, crushed the poor Prince's heart that I didn't even know existed. I would have sympathised with him if I didn't find their situation amusing.

Taking a deep breath, I let the cooling sensation of the water eases me. A small smile quirks on my lips as it brushes in my skin softly, caressing my body like a lover. This was probably one of the things that I missed when I left. Although the water from the Isle of the Lost brought a sense of excitement and trouble, the feeling of this Auradon waters always calms me down. Soothing and gentle. Which is a pretty great deal for me. My parents always said I have a short temper, which is kind of true.

The serenity of the place was broken down when a splashing sound destroyed the still lake. I immediately sit on the sand looking above at the figure curiously as it floated down to where I am. I squinted my eyes, waiting for the body to move and swim back up, however, the bubbles in its mouth slowly decreases which made my eyes widen in alarm. I pushed myself from the lake ground, flicking my tail underneath me until I neared the unconscious figure. My arms wrapped around the person's body before I swam back up to the surface. Hauling the heavyweight, I gasped feeling my muscles getting sore from the added weight. I continued to drag him to the ground which was quite difficult, with my tail hanging beneath me. Tossing the body aside, I lay down beside it, heaving in deep breaths.

I really need to start participating in gym class.

Rolling around, I grasped the person's jacket and pulled hard to look at its face.

My lips slacked at the familiarity when I recognized just who this person was. I can't fucking believe this! What in Poseidon's name is he doing here? In midnight? Past curfew?

Probably the same as you. Breaking the rules.

I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. This situation feels so familiar, it's not even funny. Sighing, I let my head fall down to his chest when I started noticing something. He wasn't breathing. Terror filled my body when I noticed his chest wasn't moving, I gripped his jacket, pulling myself closer before I looked at his closed eyelids. My hand slipped past his red leather jacket onto his shirt, willing my power to burn the water inside his lungs. Just what I did last time when he drunkenly decided to jump overboard from his ship. The light faded away while I lay there beside him helplessly, although he hurt me in ways more than I can imagine. I never wanted to see this look on his face. He was so pale and his lips were cracked. His black hair fell down on his forehead just like the last time.

It was like history was repeating itself over and over again.

I stared deep into his face. Waiting for his chest to move or even his eyes. Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. My eyes watered when I saw him lay limply on the grass, not knowing what to do.

"No, no, no"

I surveyed my surrounding, looking for something, someone to help him. Defeated, my eyes drifted towards him, resorting to shaking his shoulders harshly.

"H-Harry, wake up. Please" my voice wavered as I shake him relentlessly. "Wake up, Harry. This isn't funny anymore" I shouted at his face, shaking his shoulders hard.

"Help! Somebody! Help us!" I screamed for help but it seemed like no one heard us. Fear laces my tone as he continues to lay in my arms limply.

"Don't do this to me" my voice rose in a higher pitch tone and before I knew it, I slammed my lips in his. And for the first time in centuries, I feel the same fire-burning sparks igniting my skin even with how cold and dry his lips were.

I started blowing air inside his mouth, hoping and praying for the gods above to make him okay. A few seconds later, he started coughing, taking deep lungful breaths of oxygen to my ultimate relief. His body shook before settling down calmly, still, unconscious making me sagged back down. A laugh broke out in my thoughts just as I remember the very same way we first met. My eyes gaze down at him, a smile still painted my lips in relief and joy. Even when his life was in imminent danger, he still managed to look breathtaking. My hand moved towards his face stopping just barely a breath away, I frowned deeply, not understanding what I'm about to do. I cursed at myself for being weak.

I sit up straighter, drying my tails until the scales peeled off my body before putting on the robe that I discarded on a nearby branch. I stand up, wanting to just get inside my room and erased this memory as if it didn't happen at all. I walk down the small pathway, my head swirling in a frenzy.

But, what about him?

I immediately stopped. I turned to look back at his body in the distance, not knowing if I should leave him behind. What do I do? I clenched my fist, not daring myself to think any of it before I sauntered back towards him. This is the last time, Harry. And after this, never again. This is it.

"Oh, sea beloved, let us through
Take us to where I wanted to"

The lake crashed, disturbed yet willing to listen to its princess's command. The water grew in size, swirling on top of us. And then, in an all-mighty wave, it came swallowing us down.


Edited [06/14/22]

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