6) Memorial

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Jeongyeon knocked on the door. There was no response. She knocked once more and Dahyun opened the door.
"Are you ready?" The bodyguard asked.
"Yes and no."
"You'll be fine." Jeongyeon rubbed her back.

It was the day of Yoona's memorial and her birthday, the Kim family wanted to do this, but it was mainly Dahyun who organised it. For Yoona's respect, she didn't want to forget her sister even if she became old. She made who she was today, a smart, friendly and amazing person.

Without her, she wouldn't be happy. Well, her brother, Yugyeom, wrote all the letters to her. He just wanted her to be happy, keeping that Yoona's death a secret actually had some benefits. It was a brother and sister relationship that was broken, but now was healed.

"Lets go." Jeongyeon gestured forward as Dahyun got up from her bed and walked towards the door.
Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were waiting in their seats having their bodyguards behind them and their girlfriends beside them. Only leaving Momo with an empty chair on the right side of her. In front of them was the coffin that was dedicated to Yoona's name.
They were waiting for other people to come especially Dahyun since her family wanted her to hear her speech.

A car pulled up at the front of the homestead. There, Jeongyeon opened the door for Dahyun to go inside who's eyes glanced from one side to the other. She could feel her heart beating faster as she saw the group of people.
"You'll be fine, your sister would want you to do this." Jeongyeon held her hand as she smiled.
"Yeah... I can do this. It's for her."

Dahyun went over to where her friends where, she sat next to Momo as she held her hand ever so tightly.
Mrs Kim and Mr Kim came to the front and thanked for everyone for coming. They didn't want to spend too long on their speech because it was Dahyun's organisation that brought them together.

Dahyun stood in front of the coffin and faced the crowd.
"I appreciate you all for giving up your time to be here. I think that Yoona would have loved to see you all." Dahyun stopped, she took another breath and continued, "I know it was hard to keep this secret away from me, it's heartbreaking, but I understood why. I looked up to her, even my brother did. She was always happy, nothing could put her mood off and when she left for the last time. All I could remember is her smile which I knew she was upset inside, she wasn't going to see her family as much and I wished she stayed."

She closed her eyes trying to hold back her tears.
'Not yet.'
"So we release and free her soul from this world."
Everyone closed their eyes and prayed for Yoona and the family.
Dahyun turned around and placed her hand on the coffin.
"You will never be forgotten." She whispered and tears started to run down her face.
When the memorial finished after the guests gave their condolences, they went back to Dahyun's house.
Everyone stayed in her living room whilst Dahyun went to her bedroom to calm down.
She stared at her ceiling for a few minutes and remembered something.

Her family kept all her sister's things in the attic. She saw her father one time moving it up a small hatch. It almost went out of her mind.
Dahyun stepped out of her room and straight up was the hatch with a latch that needed to be pulled.
It was quite high, she searched through the cleaning closet and found a mop, she used it to pull down the ladder that led up to the attic.

Those who were downstairs heard a thump from upstairs, Jeongyeon decided to check. When she reached the top stair she saw that the attic was open.
"Dahyun." She called out. There was no response.
She climbed up the ladder and saw her half-sister sitting next to an open box, the sobbing made her come closer to her.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon didn't know what t say, she placed her hands on Dahyun's shoulders. She looked inside and realised she found Yoona's things.
"C-Can I take a look at these?" Dahyun asked as kept staring at a picture of her and her sister.
"Of course, take your time." Jeongyeon left her there, Jihyo and Nayeon were about to check on Jeongyeon.

"Is she okay?" Nayeon asked.
"Yes, we should leave her."
Slowly, Dahyun picked up a framed photo of her and Yoona.
This was the time when of her sisters' graduation. There Yoona wore the gown that all graduating students have, beside her was Dahyun who wore her hat.
She remembered what she said to her.

"I want to wear it!"
"But it's too big for you." Yoona chuckled as she still gave it to her.
"One day, I'll be a graduating student when I'm older."

Dahyun smiled at the picture and placed it aside. Whilst searching through she found a box that was labelled 'Travelling'. Her sister did love travelling the world, that's when she gets her letters from. Yet, half of those were her brothers' writing. She didn't want to ask when he started to write them, she wanted to keep her sister in mind.

When she opened the box, she found pictures that were taken by her by infamous structures in each country.
Her parents said that she used to attach pictures in her postcards, they kept them at least.
Dahyun stopped at a picture which had her handwritten on the side.

30th December 2016
The grand opening of Okada in Philippines!
Congrats to our company.
Hope everyone is doing okay, I miss you all.

"Okada..." Dahyun whispered.
Photo after photo, she recorded everything as she went from America to Amsterdam, South Africa to Indonesia, Malaysia to Pakistan.
There were too many to name, but her last stop was London, the date was a blur to her when the crash happened.

Yoona wasn't able to go to every country, but Dahyun was determined.
She now held a promise, a promise that she will revisit where she'd been and the ones that she hasn't before. She'll do it in the name of her sister.

The first stop was Okada, Philippines.
"Promise me. Promise me that you'll take care of her."

"I will."

Jeongyeon remembered the words that Yoona said to her, just before she left.
She kept her half-sister's words, but the announcement of her death crushed the whole family.
Yet, her promise was never forgotten.

"You're my sister and I know that you'll take care of her." She remembered her smile.

"When will you be back?" Jeongyeon asked the final time.

"I'll be back before you'll know it, I'll write you a letter as well."
The only and last letter she received, she memorised it.
The words came flooding back.

To my dear half-sister, Jeongyeon.

I'm over in South Africa and somehow the scenery made me think of our family. It's been a long time since we've seen each other, I hope you're taking care of Dahyun, if not then I'll fly back and beat you.
I'm joking of course, but I know that she looks up to her siblings.
Before I finish off, I want to tell you that I'm proud. We may not be close, but I still love you as a sister.

From Yoona

P.S Please keep Yugyeom and Dahyun away from each other. From Dahyun's letter that I read, I'm afraid that they'll kill each other when I get back.

Jeongyeon smiled and even chuckled a bit. Her words never seem too hard to forget.
Jeongyeon knew that if she broke the promise she'll never forgive herself.
It was her duty to keep her safe. A duty she'll fulfil.

"I'll be with you always just like a bodyguard."

"Hm? Um... okay? Are you sure?"

"I'm your half-sister, of course I'm sure."

Million Dollar Girls : If Love Lasts... | MiChaeng, DahMo, SaTzu, 2Yeon Book 2Where stories live. Discover now