40) What I Kept From You

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Almost a year later since the mishap happened to each one of them. To be fair, everyone was forgiven and soon they moved on and let go.

A new year means new beginnings, that also means that someone was planning for the whole year without telling anyone, keeping a secret was one hard obstacle.
Jeongyeon felt proud and was ready.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon were together as Jeongyeon dragged Nayeon to the park just outside of it.
"Aren't we going in?" Nayeon asked.
"Could we stay here for a moment." Jeongyeon smiled, they stood in silence with Nayeon fiddling with her fingers.

"Do you remember this place?" Jeongyeon finally spoke.
She looked around and finally recognised the place. It was something special.
"This is the first time I met you."
That place — it was never forgotten by the both of them, it was their first time meeting each other as bodyguards. They wouldn't have known they would be together.

"Is this what you want to show me?" Nayeon chuckled as she caught her off-guard.
"What if it is?" Jeongyeon smiled.
"Well, you wouldn't bring me here to reminisce about the past."
"Right." Jeongyeon cleared her throat, "I want to talk about last year, when you were suspicious of me."

Nayeon bursted out laughing that almost caught everyone's attention.
"Oh wow! Yeah I remember. I thought you were cheating on me."
Jeongyeon joined with the fun, "Ha! No. I was planning on those gifts."
"They were nice, I can't believe you were so secretive about that." Nayeon calmed down.

Jeongyeon just nodded,
"That wasn't the only thing I kept secret." She got down on one knee.
"This ring, I've planned it after the trip to the Philippines." She took out a box, colour purple, Nayeon's favourite colour.

Nayeon's heart was beating faster than ever,  her eyes began to water. Was she going to—?

"Will you marry me?"
The box opened revealing an luxurious emerald cut ring.
Nayeon fell to her knees and cried into Jeongyeon's chest.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes! I will marry you!" The oldest girl squealed and hugged her soon-to-be wife.

"We're going to France, that's where we'll get married." Jeongyeon softly stroked her hair.
"Y-You have planned ahead." Nayeon whispered as she tried to hide her tiny sobs.
"Anything for you."
It was the middle of the day, the girls had their free period.
Dahyun and Momo were in the library, Momo watched her as she slacked off.
"I'm tired." She sighed.
"Of course you are. Here." Dahyun slide over and placed Momo's head on her shoulder.
Momo smiled, "You're too sweet. Sweeter than usual and more agitated."

Dahyun had been caught, she had been asking herself since it happened.
"Do you remember that game we played with the questions?" She asked.
"I put that someday I'll be married to you."
"Yeah." Momo said quietly.
Dahyun took a deep breath, "After... After University is over, do you want to get married?"
And that left the biggest smile from Momo, "I would definitely like that, Kim Dahyun."
Tzuyu waited for Sana's seminar to finish. She stood there for awhile before her group exited.
She saw Sana and pulled her to one side.
"Oh... Tzuyu. You startled me." Sana smiled.
"Are you free?" Tzuyu asked.
"Yes, but aren't you going to the library to study?"
"Well... being with you is better." Tzuyu said.
"Fine, you've convinced me." Sana slipped her hand into Tzuyu's pocket and continued to walk outside the building towards the park.

"Wait, don't you have a lecture in the afternoon?" Sana asked.
"Nope, our lecturer had a meeting outside town and he cancelled our lesson tomorrow as well." Tzuyu chuckled as if to mock at Sana.
"No wonder you're so happy. You just have a day off tomorrow." Sana pouted and released her grip from Tzuyu's.
"Yes and no, I wouldn't get to spend time with you, but I will be relaxing."

Million Dollar Girls : If Love Lasts... | MiChaeng, DahMo, SaTzu, 2Yeon Book 2Where stories live. Discover now