f i f t e e n t h

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It was purely on a whim that North revisited the third floor bathroom Monday morning. A blank post-it note tacked itself to the door, highlighter hovering just above it before North realized what he was doing.

He had already left a message for Duck on Friday. The pair had never doubled up on responses, notwithstanding the second goose chase Duck had sent him on Friday afternoon.

Yet there he was, just past eight in the morning, with Sara stood outside waiting for him to finish so they could head to English together.

"This is stupid," North said to himself, resting his head against the wooden door as he tried to get a grip on himself. Surely he could wait until the end of the day, maybe tomorrow, for Duck's response.

Obviously not, since his hand went to work.

Thought of the day: My carrier pigeon would most likely take detours, so enjoy the prompt responses while you still can.

Three hours later when North returned to find the same stall carrying an 'Out of Use' sign, he carefully pushed open the door, smiling to himself at the yellow sticky-note that greeted him.

Thought of the day: Am I the only one who misses the game twenty-one questions?

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