The Bitter Truth

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In a matter of a few months, Andrew and Amelia became good friends. Amelia also found a job (sort of) to keep herself busy from all the fuss around her or within her.
Everyday she would bring the translated form of the blogs, novels or articles and then in library both Amelia and Andrew discussed about it.
On another peculiar day, when Amelia reached the library, she couldn't find Andrew there. Normally Andrew has always been there before her but that day he wasn't. She thought that he might be busy in his work so she didn't bother thinking much about it. After and hour or two, out came Andrew from behind and put a bouquet of lilies over the table which was in front of her.
Amelia, who was completely shocked by this sudden act, was silent and waiting for Andrew to say something.
Andrew said;
" Okay I am sorry I have to admit that I was  totally stalking you long before I knew you. I am really sorry I mean truly. You always looked so..... familiar to me ... You know the first time I saw you, I thought ....... Ughh why the hell am I not good with expressing myself?????? Okay okay calm down...... Whoooooo......   Amelia, I bought these lilies to tell you that I really really like you and please, please if you wanna answer in negation please don't say anything now and tell me about it tomorrow."

Amelia was shocked over this relevation and to her surprise she didn't expect anyone would say such a thing to her because she always depreciated herself, her talents and her looks too. The only words that came out of her mouth were;

" I .... Uh we'll talk tomorrow okay?"

Andrew was a bit sad but managed to say : "hmm, okay"

The following night, Amelia couldn't stop thinking about all of this that happened that day. She thought that she should share this with Esme but told herself that after giving my answer to Andrew and after making up my mind, she would tell Esme then.
For the first time in many months, for one specific night, Amelia was finally not thinking about her faults, failures and was finally not depreciating herself. She didn't know if it was good but she told herself that Ethan, her brother, did say that there might be some people who would help us find our way. Maybe God did intend to let Andrew be the guide for Amelia. Though it was a very odd way of thinking about the situation that happened that day but Amelia thought it was a good sign. Finally something good was coming her way.

The very next day, when Andrew met Amelia, he was very serious that day.
Amelia told him that it was the first time someone had to her other than her family that they like her.
"So????" Said Andrew, waiting for an answer.

Amelia said : " I think I like you too Andrew I am just not sure about it that how should I put my words or how to explain my emotions, they might be different that yours but ......"

Amelia stopped talking because she saw Andrew who threw his head down on the desk, a bit later he raised his head up, only to show his laughing face. He was laughing really hard.
" Yooo my gang come out" said Andrew, still laughing inaudibly.
Two male friends and 3 female friends of Andrew came at that spot. To hide this situation from the library attendant, they made a circle around Amelia.

Andrew said: " you girls are sooooo easy to be tricked. I mean ... How come you thought that in just a few months I would fall for a nerd like you huh??? It was just a dare set by my friends and I hate losing. To build up your trust, I ended up pursuing you for fake jobs, and well there you have it, it all went my way"

The only words that came out of Amelia's mouth were: you,..... Like-

Cutting off her words, Andrew said :
" Oh that's all rubbish. The word 'like' has no meaning in my diary. The word 'love' is the true form of affection. You really are soooo dumb. "
Another girl near Andrew said:
"Dude that was sooo cool .. Man you nailed it"
"Good job bro"

Andrew threw the translated notes on the table near Amelia and said :
" Bye nerd loser"

Although there were a bit of sound of whispering in the library, but Amelia could hear nothing.
Her parents always called her innocent even after she turned 19.
Amelia could hear nothing at that instant, there was silence every where for her and she was ...silent too.
But what she heard was a crack, that wasn't from her surroundings, but from inside of her........

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