Two stories;three cries of Help

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Olivia was still on her bed, with an IV drip attached, she was hesitating. But after Soo many years, she was finally willing to let go. She finally thought that the only way to attain inner peace was to share it and finally discard the drastic story that she had been hiding. The thing that had been killing her, or the other patients in the rehabilation center was, just keeping everything in, in their hearts and not letting a single soul reach it. After meeting Amelia, she finally thought that she could set herself free from everything.

The very next day, quite early in the morning she called Amelia and Haroald in her room and took a deep breath and told them what was yet to come.

"This'll be the first..... The very first time I'll cry my heart out to someone."
Amelia held her hand and Haroald patted her shoulder, gesturing her to go on.

"It happened three years ago. I ...I was seeing a boy. According to me, uh... He ...he was everything, he was smart he was cool , calm and very handsome. During high school, my friends teased me by saying that....I had no boyfriend so ....... That pressure added to... I wanted to show them that ..  you know I could have the best man too.... During all this, I kept my family in Oblivion. But one day when THAT PERSON came to drop me home, my mother saw him. She yelled, screamed and was extremely angry at me........ She even told me that if Dad comes to know of this than he wouldn't even see that I am his daughter and things will go down the hill... But .  ...... I thought I was right....   I thought I had the world under my feet...... I didn't listen to her........
And as Everytime.....  Bad things happen to bad girls, same fate hit me...... One day THAT PERSON brought me to an empty garage saying that he wanted to celebrate something and the next thing I know ........ I saw about .. 3-4 men which he called....his friends.... were there too... I didn't know that after this day my would be changed forever. They mixed something in my drink and.............. "

*Olivia stopped for a second....took a deep breath and finally let out those words *

"They raped me......... I was unconscious that time but I .....came to know the next day.."

"My father..... After knowing this, disowned me, he .....even forbade my mother from meeting me....... I went crazy and...... Went on drugs......
And well ....someone brought me here about 2 years ago.....
That.......... *Olivia Gageed* Fu*king person broke my soul, and scarred my spirit..... Forever......."

Olivia herself thought that she would cry out loud .. really hard after saying her story that she had never shared with anyone but to her surprise, she didn't. It was the very first time she thought or talked about it with someone and finally she didn't cry. Nor the anxiety attack hit her...   She felt FREE .... Free of the burden of the long thoughts......

Amelia hugged her and said :

" Olivia, you are the bravest girl ... I've ever met in my whole life..... More power to you ... "

Olivia smiled a bit on this reply and said :

" Amelia you don't know wasn't like this with haroald.he knows me for 2 years now but.... I never shared it with him but....your........ There is something Soo warm and peaceful about your personality and attitude that it.....just..... Yielded me to say what was locked up in cages in my heart...... Thank you .....for setting my soul freee........ Thank you my friend"
Saying that she hugged her hard.

Haroald was also there but didn't say anything.

Olivia said :
" Well, this young lad right here has alot of sentiments doesn't he!!!! Now since the bar has been set, why don't you share your life story too"

Haroald was quite and looking down and hearing this, he instantly got up and went out of the room . While exiting the room, Olivia saw him wipping his eye.

"You know, his emotions are all messed up , I think he won't share it with you ....... But....... You are part of the group now right!!!! So..... There's your right to know too"

Amelia didn't say anything but was looking towards the exit gate through with Haroald went out.

"His story, is ...... A bit different.... Peculiar too . You saw his guitar right........ That has a significant role too ... He told me that he didn't enjoy a healthy relationship between his parents.... His parents always argued with each other ....umm...when he was around ... 5 ..   his parents were arguing and suddenly his father pushed his mother and....she fell from the stairs...... Injuring her head..... It was a brutal one........ She ..... His mother didn't survive it.... Less than a month later , his father married another women........ Much younger than his mother......... Harry was quite fond of playing the guitar and singing since he was a little kid ...... I mean...... That's what he told me about ....then...... When things started to crack in his father's second marriage too , he started blaming it on his son and started beating him severely......on a regular basis........his business was also not going well..... So.... One day a gang of people with guns came to his house,and ....... Shot  his dad because he didn't pay the dues ...... He took a heavy amount of loan that for Harry, he became psycho, with all these happenings........... He was just 15 years old when the doctors told his relatives that he has gone mental and can't be recovered.some.....people told ..... Admit him in a rehabilation.....and so-

Amelia cut Olivia and said while covering her face with her hands in shock and despair :

"O.... Oh my Lord........ He..... He was just 15 ?? Just 15 that time!!! When he came to this rehabilation center???!!!!!! How..,..... How did he survive!!!!!!!"

" Amelia, he has a strong will power , that time when I came around, he was still half insane......he has recovered 90% to say the least...... But..... He said that the music up until now has saved him....."

Amelia , who always thought that her life was miserable , began questioning herself........ If she thought her life was u meaningful, than what was life for Olivia and Haroald.........
That day....she not only found two of her best friends .but....... Also came to this conclusion that Life doesn't end no matter what sort of misery and trouble you have gone into...........

Will my life have any blooming too or was it too early to say that? Said Amelia to herself...
Aside from friendship , something else blossomed in her heart, but was still unable to be identified........ But waiting to be discovered.....

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