✫Chapter Eleven✫

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there are some time skips in here, but not any that are extreme (theyre not like weeks so donut worry)

"Strike three, Y/N."

"W-what?" You mutter, your blood beginning to run cold. 

"You listened to my conversation, Y/N!" Taehyung growls. "You know things that you should've never found out about."

"C'mon, Taehyung, I-" you begin. Taehyung interrupts you, calling someone's name. 

"Take her and tie her up somewhere," Taehyung commands a man. Probably who Taehyung called for. You watch Taehyung's face, which is filled with no emotion, as you're dragged away.


"Taehyung!" You scream. The man grabs your arms and pulls you away, dragging you outside.   The rain beats against your body, creating a sad rhythm.  "Where are you taking me!?"

"Well, Mr. Kim told me that I could tie you up anywhere," the man booms. "And I've decided to take you to a horrible place. I'll tie you up in the rain." He lets out a loud laugh as he gets rope and ties you to a pole in the woods behind the house. 

"You can't just leave me here!" You scream. "My father will hear of this! He'll have your head!"

You watch as the man leaves, fury flowing through your veins.


Two hours. 

You've been out here for what feels like forever, but you assume it's been two hours. 

It's still raining, and your clothes are soaked. You've done everything to escape, but it all failed miserably. So this is what strike three is? Torture?


The moon is up. You can only assume that it's midnight. 

Nobody's come to check up on you. You're all alone. You're alone again. It's still raining. You're freezing, your clothes barely keeping you warm.

That's when you hear something- or someone. In the woods. The sounds are coming closer, and you're sure that some creature is coming to kill you. 

"Hello?" You cry out.

"Jeez, what happened to you?" A voice replied. You watch as a man steps out from behind a tree. He looked familiar, but you couldn't tell from where.

"He's a psycho!" You scream. 

"Who?" The man tilts his head. "Kim Ta-"

"Kim Taehyung! You have to help me, he's hung me out here as if I'm a shirt out to dry!" You feel hot tears down your cheek. 

"That does sound like my younger brother," the man smirks, and you can see his dimples. He's tall, but he has a flashlight, so you can somewhat examine his face. 

"What?!" You wail.

"I guess I should introduce myself," the man's smirk grows wider. "I am Kim Namjoon."


A/N: oh snap namjoon aka hot man is here

hes so beautiful and perfect and his dimples just brings his whole vibe together and his little wink thing he does is adorable and when he has blond hair its adorable but when he has colored hair like purple blue etc its adorable and when he gives off those badass vibes i love it and hes just so beautiful with his thunder thighs and his namtiddies and ufewijkfweiufnewiuf hw

i could go on and on about how perfect and beautiful they are :,)


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