♛Chapter 24♛

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a/n: stream its definitely you by my bb's taehyung and Seokjin :)

"I would."

"Why? What makes a bad guy so good in your book?" Taehyung bares his neck.

"Sometimes the bad guys are the good guys, and the bad guys good." You begin to play with a strand of hair.

"And what am I?" Taehyung tilts his head, giving off a superior look.

"My boy," you grin and then cover your face in embarrassment.

"That's the perfect answer," Taehyung replies and wraps his arms around you.
"Y/N?" Dahyun whispers as you enter your room, where you had left her. She's still there, picking out a bathing suit.

"Yeah?" You reply, smiling.

"Before I tell you, um, you have a little something here." She points at her neck, indicating that you had something on yours. You look in the mirror. And there, at the crook of your neck, was a hickey.

"I am going to kill that man." You let out a huge sigh. "Now what is it you wanted to tell me, Dahyun?"

"I, um, wanted to apologize," she begins. "For pushing you in the pool and acting like a jerk when we first met. I got a little jealous that you were the center of attention. I didn't know you couldn't swim. I'm really sorry."

"Don't apologize," you reply.

"Why?" She tilts her head. "I should. You didn't deserve it-"

"It makes me feel like the bad guy."
Jesus, Y/N, we're starting to sound like Taehyung.
"There you girls are!" Jimin exclaims as you two walk outside to the pool.

"Sorry we took so long!" Dahyun smirks at you. "The reason we took so long-" You cover her mouth before she could explain what happened. She helped you cover up the hickey. You didn't want Jimin to know, though.

"Y/N.." Taehyung growls. "Why are you covering the mark up?! I did it for a reason."

Your face turns a deep red as Taehyung basically shouts to the whole world that he left a hickey on you.

"Taehyung!" You cry out. "Shut uppp!"
You continue the day, and the other boys join in. Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and a shorter one named Yoongi. He looks familiar, but you can't remember from where.

"Y/N-ie!" Hoseok exclaims and hugs you. "It's been forever! I missed you!" You hug him back and laugh, waving at the others that just came in.

"Yah! Hoseok, don't get too close to her!" Jimin shouts. "Taehyung will chop off your head!"

"Did they finally get together?" Hoseok asks brightly. Jimin nods, and Hoseok lets out a howl. "Finally, Taehyung! You can finally keep a girl! Yoongi, come meet Y/N. I don't think you guys have officially met, have you?" I shake my head as Yoongi shrugs.

"We met at the cafe, I believe." You stretch out your hand to shake his, but he just stares at it. "I'm Taehyung's wife." That's when Yoongi's eyes widen and he shakes it.

"I can't believe he can actually keep a girl," Yoongi whispers. You laugh and he looks at you like you're crazy.

"I know, right?" You reply. "It seems impossible for someone to love him." You hear Taehyung growl, but you ignore it.

"I think you and I are going to get along quite well, Kim Y/N," Yoongi flashes you a gummy smile.

"I second that." You wink at him before walking over to Dahyun and talking to her about.. girl issues.
Jungkook barges into the house and jumps straight into the pool.

"You guys forgot to invite me to the party!" Jungkook whines after he resurfaced. "Hey Y/N!"

"Oh? So you're not going to say hello to me? You're extremely rude, Jeon Jungkook!" Jin growls, talking so quickly you can barely understand him. "I'll have you know that if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here! You should apologize to me instantly, and make sure you call me World Wide Handsome. You think that you can just ignore the elder here? Respect me or I will teach you a lesson!"

"Sorry, Jin!" Jungkook laughs. "I-I mean, sorry, world wide handsome."
"It seems you and my friends get along well," Taehyung whispers in your ear as Yoongi and Hoseok start doing karaoke.

"Yeah, I think so too," you reply, sending him a smile. "Your life seems so fun. I wish I grew up how you did."

"Y/N, don't say that. I didn't grow up with a family that loved me or all these friends." Taehyung's voice deepens.

"How did you meet them all?"

"Namjoon is my brother and Seokjin is his husband, Yoongi and Hoseok are drug dealers for some of my friends, Jimin bugged me in junior high until we started hanging out, and Jungkook was my neighbor in eighth grade," Taehyung explains.

"You do drugs?" You ask Taehyung quietly. He shakes his head.

"They dealt to members of the gang I was in. We came together for our love of music."

"That seems easier than my life, Taehyung. You make it seem like your childhood was horrible, but I think that mine was pretty bad too." You sigh. Taehyung looks at you, expecting an explanation. "My father never paid attention to me, and I'm pretty sure he's the one that ordered a hitman to kill my mother.
"I found my brother dead in a bathtub, I was beaten because of my living situation. They would steal stuff from me because I had money. I was kidnapped once and someone almost killed me. I was scared of everyone for two years.
"I thought that anyone was following me and that everyone was plotting to kill me. I couldn't even get out of bed. My father was verbally abusive, saying things like I'm not worth anything and stuff. He says I wasn't born."

"You weren't born?" Taehyung questions.

"He says I was bred, not born.." Taehyung wraps his arms around you. "But I'm a queen, so it doesn't matter what he says. Screw him!"

"Stay here," Taehyung says in a pleading tone.

"Where?" You tilt your head.

"Stay in my heart, y/n," Taehyung begs. "Don't leave me. Ever. Please, Y/N."

You don't respond, and instead kiss his cheek as a way to promise that you would stay.

"Don't leave me either, Kim Taehyung." You lean into him, shivering at the touch of him. You craved his touch. It was a feeling that you wanted to last forever.

"I'd never leave you," Taehyung replies in a tone that you've never heard. You hum in response. "Muffin."
a/n: i am proud to say that this is the end of Muffin.

If you guys did like this book, then please vote for the chapter and consider following me! This is my first fanfiction, so its not that good but thank you for reading! When I have more books, I will recommend them here! idk if yall just came here for some smut but i honestly dont feel comfortable writing it about a bts member rn but once i get over that i'll write some if ya want it.

thank you sm for reading, babes!!


-author :)

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