Chapter 5

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"What?", you asked confused and blinked trying to process what he just told you.

"Yes, I really had a huge crush on you", he repeated and shook his head laughing. Did he just tell you that he returned your feelings and you didn't KNOW??

"Heyyy, Y/N", Sarah said laughing uncontrollably and stumbled towards you, "let's go home. Pleeeeaase!" She fell into your arms and you quickly supported her. You looked questioningly at Taehyung and he nodded.

"It's okay, I'll see you", he said and winked, "take good care of you and her, of course."

"Yes, good night", you answered and then he did something unexpected. He hugged you. HE HUGGED YOU. You were good friends but he never really showed affection towards you so this was new to you.

But you... didn't feel anything. You thought that you would have the familiar feeling of the butterflies flattering in your stomach when he locked eyes with you. But there was.. nothing. He couldn't make you feel the way Jimin could make you feel.

"Get home safely", he said and you nodded turning around with Sarah in your arm. After you brought her home you went to bed and tried to form a clear thought but you were completely lost.

Who allowed Jimin to come into your life and mess everything up? How could he make your heart flutter even though he used to be so mean to you? Eventually you fell asleep because you were too tired.

You woke up and your head hurt a little. You groaned and washed up. A lot of thoughts were still going through your mind but you tried your best to focus.

Deep in your heart you already knew that you fell out of love with Taehyung and that Jimin meant more to you than you liked. You went downstairs and wanted to make a coffee when your mum came up to you.

"Y/N, come talk to me for a while", she said and you followed her into the living room.

"Before you kill me, please let me finish", she said taking your hand, "your father and I, we have to go on a business trip for one week. We thought you were old enough to stay in the house by yourself but Jimin's mother offered us to take care of you. We decided to accept her kind offer."

"What? Mum!", you said not believing her words, "you can't do that to me. You know I don't like Jimin."

"Y/N, get yourself together", she said tense, "this is not about your relation. It's about your health and safety."

You groaned and rubbed your temples. You knew you had no chance. You had to spend the whole week at Jimin's house.

"Please go and pack your bag", she said stroking your hand, "we'll drop you off today."

Time skip

"Bye, mum", you said and hugged her tightly. She caressed your cheek and left with your dad. Mrs Park smiled at you brightly and helped you to heave your suitcase inside.

"Jimin's not at home right now", she said struggling with your heavy bag, "if he was here, I would have made him do this."

You smiled relieved and were happy that you didn't have to see him and could avoid him for another while. You were still not over what happened yesterday.

"You can have the guest room, we prepared it for you", she said and lead you to the room. "Thank you so much Mrs Park", you said grateful for her love.

"Anything, honey", she said smiling. You unpacked your stuff for a while when a gentle knock on your door interrupted you.

"Come in", you said expecting Mrs Park to be there. But it wasn't her.

"It's nice to have you around for the next seven days", he said in a deep voice with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"Jimin!", you said and looked at him speechless, "don't even dare coming close to me." He chuckled and approached you slowly so you carefully backed off.

"Or else?", he said chuckling as your back hit the wall. He's such a flirt. Your heart raced but you were still mad. You weren't his toy.

"Or else you'll be having a hard time with me", you threatened him but it didn't really sound dangerous.

"I'd love to try that", he said seductively. He was now so close that you could see every detail of his face. But you were distracted by his shiny plump lips.

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