No One's Ever Made Me Feel So Happy

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"Nini, what's wrong?"

"Hmm?" I asked, turning to look at Ricky.

"I said do you want to go get some boba?" He repeated, twisting his curls around his finger.

"Oh, uh, sure." I said, getting up from the couch.

"Cool. I'm gonna go grab my jacket." He replied, nodding and walking over to the hall closet.

"I'll text Momma D and let her know we're going out." I said, grabbing my phone. "Like, out, ya know. Not out like..." I added, for some weird reason.

"Like what?" He said, confusion written all over his face.

"Uh, nevermind." I said, instantly regretting even opening my mouth. I just texted my mom and we got in his car.

"Can I use the aux cord and put on my playlist?" I asked, hoping he would forget about what I'd said before.

"Sure. Go ahead." He said, starting up the car. I smiled, plugging in my phone and putting my playlist on shuffle.

"Some girls, feel best in their tiny dresses
Some girls, nothin' but sweatpants, looking like a princess
Some girls, kiss new lips every single night
They're stayin' out late 'cause they just celebrating life..."

"I see you." I said, noticing him nodding his head to the beat of the music as I sang along.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned, arching his eyebrows.

"You like my music. Don't deny it, Richard." I said, using his real name.

"No. I do not, Nina." He responded, doing the same thing.

"Lies. You were nodding your head to it." I countered, crossing my arms.

Silence. Ha. Point Nini.

"I have no idea what you mean." He lied, shaking his head.

"Yes you do!" I said, raising my voice just a bit.

"Stop distracting me from the road. You want us to crash?"

"Excuses, excuses..." I said, rolling my eyes and turning up the volume.

"Some girls, like to keep their physique real private
Some girls, wear jeans so tight, 'cause it feels so right, yeah
Some girls, every day searching, keep the page turning
Sleepin' in late 'cause they just celebrating life..."


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"So, where to next?" I asked, as we left the boba place and got into the car.

"I don't know. I'm feeling pretty tired, Neens." He said, as I smiled at the nickname.

"Please, Ricky. I'm not tired. I wanna do something fun!" I replied, making a pouty face.

"I should not have bought you that boba." He commented, starting up the car.

"Nope. Anyways, where are we going?" I asked, practically bouncing up and down from the sugar rush I'd gotten.

"I guess we could just hang out at the park." He said, shrugging.

"Mhm." I said, grinning. "Also, try not to fall asleep while driving mr. 'you want us to crash?'" I added, after seeing him yawn.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." He said, as he drove us to the park.

"Just as a precaution, I'll put on my playlist again." I told him, plugging in the aux chord. "Feel free to nod your head along with the music again." I said, pressing play.

"I-" He started to say before getting music blasted in his ear.

"I like this right here

This girl she came round the corner

Looking like a model
Magazine figure
She was shaped like a bottle
Long straight hair
She was fly as a bird
First time ever
I was lost for words
Felt so right..."

I yell sung, and it was obvious I was annoying him. Once again, point Nini.

"Just couldn't be wrong
Love at first sight
If that exists at all
I couldn't move
Felt like I was stuck
And then baby girl looked up

And I said

Hey there pretty brown eyes
Whatcha doing later tonight?
Would you mind if I spent a minute with you?"

"Oh my god. Nini, stop..." He pleaded, squinting. "My head is starting to hurt and I think my eardrums just burst.

"Ugh, you're no fun." I said, sticking my tongue out at him and turning the volume down.

"Sure. Wanting to keep my eardrums in tact equals no fun." He said, rolling his eyes.

"It sure does, Bowen." I replied, nodding my head.

"Wow. First, Richard. Now, Bowen?" He responded, raising his eyebrows.

"Stop complaining. You know you love me."

"Whatever you say, Roberts..."

A/N: Ok so im just gonna leave this chapter here i hope you enjoyed cause it was rly fun to write and im so excited to continue this story😊 if u did plz vote and comment also if u want more rini if u haven't already read it i have another fan fic called "Do It All Again" u could check out<3(btw tysm for 1.5k reads it means the world to me especially since its the 1st fic i've been able to complete i usually lose inspiration and can't finish but it seems things r starting to change)

Songs Mentioned:

Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld

Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpson

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